Chapter Thirty-Three

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"You died screaming yet the monster who took your place was silent."

They all had thirty minutes before take off. Before they essentially tried to save the world, again. Most people would probably imagine that took a lot of prep and getting ready but they'd all done it at least once at this point.

Nat was scanning her inventory and getting ready while her wife lay across their bed, half dressed.

"He looks like a lost puppy every time he watches you," Natara grumbled, making Nat look back at her from her dressing table. Or technically their dressing table seen as they shared a room in the compound.

"Who does?" She asked

"Bruce," Tara complained.

Nat hummed. "Is it the same way you watch Carol?" Tara's mouth opened quickly but for once she took a few seconds to figure out what to say.
"No, I get it," Natasha assured. "She's hot. So is Naye. She's probably more my type than her girlfriend though."

Natara's eyes narrowed slowly. "Don't do that," She warned, eyss cat-like and body stretched out in a feline manner.

"Do what?" Natasha asked as she finished getting ready.

"Try make me jealous. It doesn't work like that."

The blonde chuckled, turning to face her wife now. Nat raised her brow, voice dipping lower. "Is that what you think I'm doing? Trying to make you jealous?"

"I think you're jealous about Carol and are trying to make me feel the same way, yes."

"Anyone ever told you that you're kinda full of yourself?"

"How can I not be?" Tara asked simply.
She cocked her head to the side, admiring her wife. "I've seen the look you get when you look at me," She murmered, watching Nat's lips twitching in response. Natara's eyes flickered over her. "Am I that attractive?"

"You certainly think so," Natasha responded, checking over her weapons.
She wouldn't give Tara the satisfaction of looking at her, no matter how good she looked stretched out on their bed in her half done up mission suit.
"So what were you saying about Bruce?" She asked, hiding a smirk when she practically sensed Natara sit up straight.

"I was saying," Natara started cautiously, "that he's very clearly still into you."

"Damn," Nat husked, shaking her head for a second as she tucked her knives and guns into her suit. "That kiss we had must've left a good impression then."

Natara wasn't smiling anymore. "That's not funny."

"I wasn't making a joke."

Natara looked her over. "Carol's hot... but I don't want her. Well not entirely. It's not fair to use Bruce when they're very different scenarios."

Nat shrugged, turning to look at her now. "I wasn't aware we were playing fair." She fought another smirk. "You don't want Carol now?"
She watched Tara stand up and come closer, that smirk now forming.

"Don't make me spell it out... I don't want her," Natara repeated slowly, stopping once they were inches apart. "You like hearing me say it?" She gently tucked Natasha's hair behind her ear, making their eyes meet again right after. "Would you like me to whisper it in your ear?" She teased softly.

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