Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"It's a fitting punishment for a monster. To want something so much-- to hold it in your arms-- and know beyond a doubt you will never deserve it."


"You look stunning," Natara breathed, light shining through that red hair like a halo of fire. It was a photo of Natasha and Yelena before they'd taken down the Red Room. Natara didn't know when exactly they'd had the time to take it, but she was grateful they had.
She took in the black mission suit Nat wore, she'd never seen it before. Her hair had been different too, little braids tied into the ponytail. Natara actually felt her heart rate change.

"Yeah, well, I looked better before we had to fight and jump from a falling building," Nat replied almost shyly, seeming uncomfortable with the compliment.

For the very first time, Tara didn't immediately scowl at the reminder of what Nat had done- without her. Things like jumping out of falling buildings. She just shook her head dazedly.

"No-" She cleared her throat, trying to find words. "Don't do that," She breathed. "You're so beautiful, Natasha. So beautiful."
The words were soft, whispered, as if she couldn't comprehend the level of astoundingly gorgeous her partner was.
"Gods, I'm so in love with you," She realized.

"Tara..." Nat breathed, an almost plea.

But the brunette turned now, their faces close. Those green eyes moved over every inch of the spy's face. "No, it's like-" Natara tried to explain. "It's like sometimes, the amount of love I feel for you hurts. In my chest, my body. It's like there's these moments where I'm physically incapable of containing all that feeling- but then I look at you and it only grows. I- I don't understand it."

Natasha kissed her, because the didn't know how else to express her feelings. Hand moving to Natara's hair, the force of her action pushed the brunette's head back, lips still remaining together. Natasha was in her lap now, both hands cupping her face and her kiss only grew more passionate.

When they broke apart they were both panting. Nat rested their foreheads together, hands moving down to rest someplace near Natara's neck and on her chest. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me," She told her. "I'm so in love with you, Natara Faez. You're just- you're everything."



He's a bloodhound, Natara, and he's got her scent. It doesn't matter what anyone says. If that's his target, he'll keep going until either he's dead or Nat is."

Natara scowled, trying to wrap her head around the never-ending drama. "Antonio called him off. He'll have to listen-"

"No, he won't. I just told you- there's literally something messed up in his brain. He needs to finish this mission. It's how he works."

The redhead closed her eyes. The man Antonio had originally sent after Natasha was a crazed tracker. Like a mentally screwed person who couldn't be called off the attack. He wouldn't give up this mission, even after Antonio's orders. So she'd have to do it for him.

Natara paused, her eyebrows drawn in a fraction. "Then I'll kill him." Her lip twitched to pull back for a split moment. "And I'll deliver his head to Antonio myself."


"I still think this is my fight as much as it's yours-"

Natara stopped walking, turning to look at Nat, making the blonde stop too. "I know that. But that's not what this is about." Her eyes flickered over Nat's face. They still had so much to fix and get through, but that process kept getting delayed by stupid things like men trying to kill them. "But this is my area. These groups, these people, I've worked for and against them almost my whole life. Once you get involved in any way, it's sticks. And it's so easy to get sucked in. Just let me handle this. Please? You'll be close by if I need it."

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