Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Life isn't easy, no matter where you are. You'll make choices you think are right, and then suffer for them."

"Good girl, Laitha. So clever, honey."

Nat rolled her eyes but smiled as she watched her wife on the floor playing with their cat. Tara had decided to teach her tricks and to her surprise, was actually succeeding.

Laitha had gotten bigger over the months. She was a beautiful brown with white stripes and dots along her fur. One blue eye and one yellow one. Natasha still thought her appearance was unusual but Tara wouldn't hear of it.

Scooting back, Natara rested in between her wife's legs, feeling Nat's hands go to her hair, gently running her fingers through it.
Tara hummed, closing her eyes and leaning her head back.

"You're so beautiful," Nat murmered, meaning it. She watched those lovely green eyes open, an almost shy expression appearing on her partner's face.

"Thank you," She whispered. Climbing onto the couch and kissing her wife, Tara held her jaw gently. "You're not too bad yourself."

Natasha's phone went off. It was Steve.
Both women frowned but Natara went to make tea, allowing Nat to take it.

When the redhead walked back in, her frown deepened. Natasha looked shaky and pale. Placing the cup down she quickly went to her, touching her arm.
"What's wrong, hayati?" She was concerned at the look on Natasha's face. "What did Steve say?"

"I don't know," Nat mumbled, swallowing.

"What do you mean?"

"The signal was bad... he only got a few words out. I don't know why he called-"

"Okay," Natara soothed. "What words did he manage to get out?"
Her heart dropped at the words that left Natasha's mouth. More so, the name and the tone of her voice when she said them.

"He said Bruce called him."

Natara took a careful breath, hand moving back to her side and she herself swallowed. She was analyzing all of her wife's expressions and found emotion clutching her heart at what she saw. "So he's back?"

"He is... Steve sounded worried but I couldn't make out what he said."

"How do you feel?" Natara asked.

Nat looked at the redhead quickly, hearing her tense tone.

"About the man you loved suddenly appearing back on Earth for the first time since he left you?" Natara asked.

Nat blinked. She wasn't used to the tone and was surprised at the words. She didn't know how she felt. Bruce had left her before they could even be anything. She'd fallen in love with him and he'd left.
"I don't know," Natasha breathed, watching Natara go stiff. She realized then what this was. But it was different to the other times Tara had been jealous.

This wasn't just casual or petty jealousy like with Mason or even Agent Carter.
This was very different.

"Well, you let me know when you figure that out."

"Don't get like that," Nat sighed, feeling a headache begin.

"Don't tell me not to 'get like that'. Natasha, you loved him- or, or love him-"

"Don't say that-"

"I listened to that conversation at the Bartons' house. When he stole all of the hot water might I add. I heard the way you spoke to him. You were going to run away for him, with him." Natara was clearly worked up but trying not to be. Once again, this was also different to her usual freak out which was usually caused by anger or pride or some other silly thing.
This display was Tara getting emotional but trying to stay calm. She was hurt and panicking and trying to put a mask over it.

Breaking Free | Natasha x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang