Chapter Twenty

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"With the right music, you either forget everything or you remember everything."

It was the beginning of December, meaning it was freezing.
Natara's memories were definitely returning but it wasn't like she got an alert every time her brain regained a memory. 'You have one new thought. Click to enter'. No, it was more like it was just there and if she thought about it she could be like, yeah, I remember that. Pretty much like a normal memory.
Except for when it came to Natasha.
For some reason almost all of her memories had come back over the past few weeks, except the ones revolving around her, what? Ex-girlfriend? On a break girfriend? Some were there but majority weren't and Natara could see how it weighed on the platinum blonde.

Over the weeks the assassin had developed a crush on the other Avenger all on her own, without even needing the memories. She hadn't said that, of course, not quite ready to admit that to anyone. But the lost memories were still a sort of barrier between them. There was no more kissing, no more hugging or crying, and Nat's smile seemed to reach her eyes less each time.

"Have I ever gone on a run with you?" Natara asked as Nat came in, slightly sweaty even in the icy weather. She ran everyday, some days longer than others. Natara had a feeling she was the reason for that.

Natasha swallowed, looking at her with a blink. "You have. You once went with me when I came back from a mission. We ended up talking about a few things..." She trailed off and that shine that had appeared in those stunning green eyes when she spoke about that memory disappeared quickly too, a normal look replacing it.

"Like what?" Natara pressed gently. She found that Nat looked a whole lot friendlier and just more beautiful when she was happy. And the quickest way to Natasha's happiness was when she was talking about the old Natara. So current Natara asked questions about them whenever she could.

Nat seemed to hesitate, as if she preferred not to think about something that probably caused her just as much pain as it did joy. Ultimately though, she gave in, eyes showing she was lost in memory and faint smile showing it was a memory with Tara.

That's how Natara separated old and current her. Tara and Natara. She was pretty sure Nat did the same thing.

"I um, well I suppose I joined you on your run. I had to invite myself because you wouldn't take the hint and offer."

Natara focused, seeing a small smile grow of Natasha's face. Again she found herself jealous of Tara. Getting to cause that smile with a mere mention.

Nat took a deep breath, such adoration in her eyes it hurt.
"It was late and I wanted to train but you were going for a run so I went with..." A true smile formed then. "I remember you told me that it doesn't matter whether you get hurt, that you don't care about that. But that you care if I come home hurt."
Nat shook her head and Natara could see she looked emotional.
The words hit her in her chest, even now, she could say the same thing. She did care if Nat came home hurt. Memories or no memories.

Nat spoke again. "I then said I cared if you were hurt... you got so awkward and vulnerable." She laughed softly. "It was adorable."
The platinum blonde Aveneger shook her head, no longer seeming to look far away.
"Anyway, I just wanted to grab some breakfast."

"Right." Natara moved out of the way for her. Looks like it was going to be another awful and awkward day.

Natara was starting to get sick of it, her annoyance and frustration building beneath her skin. It wouldn't be long before it oozed through her pores.

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