Chapter Seven*

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"The day I met you was the beginning of everything."


Breath clouding in front of her face, Natasha loaded the last grocery bag into her car--rented, not stolen.

Despite her recently-reunited-with sister's opinion on this topic, Nat preferred to legally acquire the vehicles she drove.

Closing the car door and locking it-- out of habit rather than actual safety reason-- the spy checked her phone.
Eyebrows furrowed and disappointment heavy in chest, Natasha saw the same thing she'd always seen.
Nothing. Not from any of the people she'd reached out to.

God- she knew it was technically a good thing not to have any information. Because that meant Natara was safe and good at staying undercover, but it made the whole finding her thing almost impossible.

"C'mon, just give me something," She muttered to herself.

After a few more minutes sat in vain the phone was thrown to the side, a familiar frustration settling deep within her.

It had been weeks and it seemed that stupid saying may not be so stupid afterall. The whole 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.' Because absence had only made her feelings that much more apparent.

Natasha instead decided to dedicate the drive 'home' to the familiar scenario she'd played out in her head for ages now. What she'd say to Natara when she saw her again.

Yelena would give her hell for this thought pattern. She'd spent ages being teased by the blonde when she'd opened up about her anxiety of seeing Tara again. And after many annoying comments her sister had then tried to give her advice which actually turned out to be worse than the sarcastic comments, Natasha soon realizing the teasing was better than the ideas and suggestions Yelena tried to sell her.

Mind now going to her recently found family Nat felt herself soften. Yes, the...'events' of the past few weeks still had bruises staining her skin and new scars littering her body, but everything they'd found and done was worth it. She didn't doubt that for a second.

The gravel road sounded under the car tires, a comforting noise, and the cool night breeze blew through the open windows. Crickets sounded in the grass outside as the sky darkened, still a light blue, maybe even a soft navy, not fully night yet; only a handful of stars straining to show themselves against the remaining light from the set sun.

The house she was staying in was quaint. Nat had allowed a more open place to stay after her run in with Secretary Ross. She doubted he'd be after her anytime soon. There was enough of a mess to clean up.

This home was also in the middle of nowhere, at least a good hour away from any other residences, but at least it wasn't a trailer camped up for undercover purposes.

The walls of this house were a gentle and calming white, the entire residency seeming to scream peaceful and healing.
And heal she had.

Natasha was more in tune with herself now than ever before. A part of her had healed with her newfound family and the time away from... everything, had allowed her to figure out what it was she truly wanted. And she was prepared to fight for it.

Feet touching the long grass beneath them, Nat immediately stilled as she exited her vehicle.
Something was wrong.

Reaching into the car and grabbing one of her guns, she closed the door quietly, groceries left behind.

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