Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Some wounds heal only with love."

Natara blinked at the 'A' on the side of the compound, it had been so long since she'd seen the building.

"You ready?" Nat asked, looking her over.

The redhead let out a breath and rolled her shoulders, looking the blonde over with a small grin. "One last time?"

Natasha's answering smirk was soft. "One last time."


"Oh, you have got to be kidding me," Natara grumbled as they entered the compound and she could see Rhodey a few feet ahead of her, with none of than Secretary Ross.

"Don't cause a scene," Nat murmered quietly. They were still basically 'criminals' and this could go a lot of different ways.
Her wife was behind her with Wanda, Vision, and Sam, Steve beside her.
"Yet," She finished.

Rhodey and the hologram of Ross turned to look at them as they approached. The six Avengers stopped a few feet in front of them.

"Mr Secretary," Steve greeted.

Rogers had changed, and not just physically. Yes, the beard made him hotter- Natara wasn't afraid to admit that- but even his aura was different. It was still Steve but he felt less like a government lapdog now. More rogue, or at least as rogue as Steven Grant Rogers could be. Tara liked the change.

Ross walked towards them.
"You've got some nerve. I'll give you that."

Natara looked the bastard over. She wondered how he felt when he looked at Natasha, knowing he'd had the blonde spy in his clutches after the fall of the Red Room and yet still, he'd managed to lose her again.
She thought it was high time he retired.

"You could use some of that right now," Nat replied. Ross simply looked away from her, instead turning his attention to Rogers.

"The world's on fire. And you think all is forgiven?"

Steve looked at him seriously. "I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking permission."

Natara blinked, brows raising slightly at the Captain. Shit, she'd follow him anywhere after that. She corrected her earlier opinion, she loved the change.

"Earth just lost her best defender," He finished. "So we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way..." He took a step closer to the Secretary. "We'll fight you too."

Ross looked at Steve for a moment more before turning to Rhodey. "Arrest them."

Rhodes nodded. "All over it." He then swiped the hologram away, Natara upset she didn't get a chance to pick a fight with the old man.
"That's a court-martial." He smiled, having no interest in arresting them. "It's great to see you, Cap."

Steve walked forward, Nat already smiling as she followed him. "You too, Rhodey." The men shook hands and Nat stepped forward, Rhodey and her greeting each other before they hugged.

Natara smiled at the sight of Natasha's happiness. A part of her was upset to see her wife so happy and know she'd missed this. That she'd missed her family. The redhead really hoped that after all this they could find a balance between peace and keeping their family. Nat deserved that. She'd make sure she had it.

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