Chapter Fifty-Six

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"You walk a fine line between beautifully macabre and uncharacteristically psychotic."


"I don't have much time," Natara panted, letting out the slightest whine when Natasha unattached her lips from the redhead's neck.

Natasha chuckled, kissing along her jaw and face. "You're so responsive right now... I won't need long."

Natara got defensive at the words. "It's... been a while." Natasha touched her and her body burnt the way a sinner would when touched by a God. She immediately submitted under her, body turning to putty for Nat to play with.

"Whose fault is that?" Nat husked. She pulled back, eyes locking. The sight of Tara with blown pupils, a flushed face, and longing gaze was one of the most attractive things she'd ever witnessed.
The blonde let her hands trace and graze Natara's body slowly.
"You can't tell me with the things you're doing over there that no one's touched you," She murmered in slight question, eyes following her hands.

Nat knew that it was likely Natara was put in some... special situations. But she also wanted to know how far those situations had gone. She wouldn't be mad at her wife; afterall, they'd both been in the field. They knew what sometimes had to happen to get a mission done. But she still wanted to know regardless.

"Hardly," Natara breathed out, pulling Nat into her, so close every inch of them pressed against each other. "It's hard to play the part well enough when I'm always thinking about you and how much better you are at knowing what I want." Natara let her lips go to Nat's ear. "How much better you fit against me... and inside of me."

Natasha smirked, kissing her softly before pulling away a little. "Thinking about me, huh?"
Natara's arms wrapped around her neck, arching her chest into her and whispering right against her mouth so that every time she spoke, Nat could feel her lips form each word.

"What do you want to know, jamila?" Tara asked.
"How every now and then I'll let one of them think he's going to bed me? Let him kiss and touch my neck, and maybe my jaw and shoulders?" Natara gently kissed her before pulling back enough to speak against her mouth once more. "How I only let them do that for a moment... so that I can imagine it's you?"

Natara gently let her tongue run out now, Natasha's lips immediately opening wider before the redhead pulled back once more, lips grazing Nat's again as she teased.
"Or maybe you want to know how I don't let them kiss me. Don't let them truly touch me... how I hardly touch them- other than to remove an item of clothing here and there. And how I can't commit because the only person I'll ever let do that... is you. How would you like me to phrase it, beautiful?" Tara asked her. "That I belong entirely to you and only you? Even when I'm thousands of miles away?"

Natara looked right at her then, faces close, lips brushing, eyes locked. "Which part turns you on the most? I can go into more detail on any."

Nat kissed her with brusing force, pushing against Natara forcefully and holding her against the wall with her own body.
Tara submitted in a second, not even putting up a fight.
"For someone who went years without sex, you're seeming pretty desperate after just a few months," Natasha taunted, taking off Natara's shirt and getting on her knees to kiss down her stomach.

Natara's abdominal muscles tightened and relaxed under her lips, head moving back and a low groan following.

"That was before I had you," The redhead struggled as Nat gently pulled down her pants, breath hovering over her. "And back then I could make do without a partner."

Breaking Free | Natasha x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora