Chapter Fourteen

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"We went through all that just to be strangers again."

"You don't get it, Ms. Romanoff. She won't recognize you. Think of it as her memories from the moment she met you, all taken. Suspended if you will. That's what...two years now? Ms. Faez joined just after Sokovia, 2015 and we're nearing the end of 2016... Yes, I'd say two years."

Natasha lurched forward but too late. The gem was placed against Natara's temple and the brunette jerked as if trying to fight it, but only for a moment.

When Natara looked at her then, there was no sense of familiarity. No recognition. No love.

Nat heard what Aldridge had said. Natara's memories of the past nearly two years was gone. The redhead in front of her was someone she'd never met. Even Tara herself was someone the brunette wouldn't know.

She was the old Natara.
Natara, not Tara. Blonde, not brunette. Assassin, not Avenger. Enemy, not girlfriend.

Natara looked at her girfriend and raised her blade.


Fourty- Six Hours before

Tara's loud laugh sounded behind Natasha's back, causing a smile to form on the blonde Avenger's face.

"No, try it again, habibati. I want to see."

Natasha held up her middle finger as she walked to the kitchen, hearing another joyous laugh in response.
Grabbing a water from the fridge, she turned to find Natara sat at the island behind her, waiting with a huge grin.

"It's very cool. Does it happen naturally...?"

"Ridiculous, honestly," Nat told her as she went to sit on the couch.

"I've never realized how often you did it. Do you know there were cameras-"

"Natara Faez, this relationship won't last much longer if you keep going."
The brunette shut up, collapsing on the couch beside her and stretching out across Natasha's lap. Much like a cat. As a matter of fact, Nat thought a cat could be Natara's spirit animal.

"Fine, I'm finished. But your sister's right. Total poser."

Natasha pushed her off of her lap, watching the Avenger fall onto the ground and hearing swear words follow.
She was about to say something as Natara stared up at her with apologetic green eyes, hand raised in need of assistance, when one of their phones rang.

It was one of their burner phones and they looked identical. If anyone managed to get their numbers it was either by accident or very, very intended.
"Is it yours or mine?" Natasha asked, still ignoring Natara's outstretched hand.

"I don't know, just answer it. And help me up."

Nat shrugged, grabbing the phone. As she raised it to her ear she looked at the brunette. "Help yourself up. You're a big girl." She answered while Natara just shot her a dirty look, making a whole show of getting up. Ridiculous. She was an Avenger and ex-assasin, she could get up perfectly fine. Her girlfriend was simply dramatic.

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