Chapter Thirteen

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"It makes me tremble. To think back. I remember exactly how I thought life would be."

"Are you sure you're okay with not being there?" Nat asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Hmm?" Natara looked up from her phone with a blink, frowning when the question registered. "Oh, yes. I've told you that already."

"Then stop staring at your phone."

With a huff, the brunette tossed the device aside. Steve had sent a message a few days ago. He was taking James Barnes to Wakanda, where they'd try to sort out all the mind stuff he was involved in. "You have my full attention now."

"Thank you." Natasha looked at the other Avenger and it all hit her. She felt like their relationship had evolved over night. From two people with bad timing  who couldn't admit they wanted each other to- well, whatever they were now. The fact that she could kiss Tara whenever she wanted and speak about her feelings was still crazy.

"What are you thinking about so hard? You'll get frown lines."

Nat gave her a look but stopped frowning. "Just how different this all is. How different we are."

Natara nodded, thinking it over. "We're still the same. Everything I do and say now is everything I was already thinking about then. I just realized I couldn't keep running."

"Oh really?" Nat smirked. "How often did you think about all those things?" She stalked closer, watching as the brunette inhaled carefully.

"In my free time, of course."

"Of course," Nat played along, her lips now ghosting Tara's.

"What about you? You ever think of it all?" Tara asked.

"Only when you weren't being a pain in my ass," She replied right before she kissed her. Tara melted under her touch and Natasha pulled her closer, craving her warmth and her nearness. She could get dizzy on it.

"I think you were kind of into it," Natara gasped quickly before they were kissing once more.

Natasha pulled away, kissing and nipping along her jaw line. "Only a little."

An alarm broke apart their small make-out session and Nat switched it off.

"I still don't see why we need to leave right this second," Natara complained, but even as she said it she was busy gathering all her stuff and redoing her hair.

"Because," Natasha sighed, having voiced this a few times today, "It needs to be the right time when I show you."
She all but dragged the brunette outside as they started their short walk to the beach.


The sun was almost set, stars lightly appearing against a soft but darkening blue sky. The beach was empty, waves lapping against the sand while Natara scratched around in her bag.

They walked for a while before Natasha came to a sudden stop and sat herself down.

"Oh, okay-" Natara was pulled down beside her.
"What was it you needed to show me at this specific time?"

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