Chapter Fourty-Five

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"They made you into a weapon and told you to find peace."

It was a hot and open day. The sun shone and the birds sang, some of them doing so terribly. There was a dragonfly zooming around near their heads, capturing Natara's attention like a kitten with an insect.

"Natara Faez," Apphia interrupted her focus, "you better call."

Blinking, the redhead looked away from the winged creature. "I will, Emmi Phia. I promise." Natara gave the older woman a tight hug, feeling a deep warmth and security inside of her chest.

Apphia hugged her firmly, murmuring into her ear.  "And I want to meet her. Soon."

"Yes, Emmi," She groaned, before swallowing. "I think you'll really like her."

"Oh, I don't doubt it, child."

Their bags were loaded up. Natara eyed the close and quiet conversation between Alessia and Apphia, trying hard to eavesdrop. In her defense, she'd literally been trained to be nosey.

Once everything had been packed, and Apphia had given them enough food to feed a family for a week, the two women gave her a tight hug before they got into the car and set off.


"I was thinking," Alessia sighed, stopping her humming for a moment, wind blowing her dark curls, "we should go to Italy again. We had so much fun last time. Plus, I miss home."

A humorless smile twitched at Natara's lips. "Fun is an interesting way of thinking about it." She had her head leant back, sunglasses on and bandana over her head with her hair down.

"I like to think of most of my adventures as fun."

"Mhm," The redhead hummed, ultimately indulging her. "Where in Italy?"

"Maybe Tuscany."

Tara sat up now, looking to the driver's seat. "Cutting it quite close to home," She pried carefully. Alessia had only gone back home once, before Natara had met her. Both her and Solomon had gone together. Neither had ever told Tara what had happened there, though they'd been silent for days afterwards. Or so she was told.

The Italian shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. Natara saw right through it.
"Maybe it's time I re-visited."

Natara had never been one to walk on eggshells, and she didn't see the point in skirting around the main topic here. "You think they survived the snap?"
She saw the way Alessia swallowed.

"Maybe," The Italian got out. "Doesn't matter. I wouldn't be going to see them. Florence is my home, I want to see it again. I can't let them ruin that for me anymore."

Natara eyed her for a second, then another. Without warning she leant back in her seat once more and tilted her head up, the wind and sun warm on her skin. Gods, she loved convertibles.
"Then just say the word and we'll go to Florence. I warn you now though, I'll need to go shoping. If we're going to Italy then I'm going to look good while doing it."

Alessia laughed. "I'm sure you'll have no problem pulling that off."

Natara grinned, feeling as warm as the sun above them. "Ah, that familiar Italian charm," She approved. "You really don't fight the stereotypes."

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