Chapter Sixty-Two

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"You said I killed you-- haunt me then! Be with me always-- take any form-- drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!"

"She's healing exponentially while she sleeps... it's almost like she's kicking something into overdrive. Her molecules, Gamma radiation levels- all of it changes."

Natasha turned to Tara, as still on the bed as ever. "Do you notice anything while you sleep?"

The ex-assassin moved her eyes over to the paper and pen beside the bed, Nat quickly grabbing the items and holding them up. They had a system. Tara would essentially shape the letters out by 'drawing' with her eyes. It had been a sketchy process in the beginning but they were pretty good at it now.

Once done, they all looked at the words on the page.
"Dreams?" The blonde asked, watching Tara raise her brows. That meant yes.

"About what?"

She saw Natara take a breath, knowing that meant her wife was getting frustrated, but Tara started shaping out the next word anyway.

That was another thing. Natara was emotional, all the time. Angry, frustrated, and upset. It changed from hour to hour.
Nat got the receiving end a lot, which made sense. But Natara would often not communicate at all, just staring off into nothing and refusing to participate in a thing.
The blonde didn't know how to handle it. She didn't know what she was supposed to do- if there was even anything she could do.

The word 'me' was written on the paper now.

"You?" Bruce asked, focusing. "You dream about you?"
Natara raised her brows, a yes.
"Like you as you are? Different versions of you- what kind-"

Natara just raised her brows again.

"You as you are now?" Nat asked, receiving a frown which meant no. "Different versions?" Raised brows.

"Different versions how?" Bruce asked, looking like his brain was working fast as he searched through the data. There questioning was disturbed a moment after.

"It's ready!" Tony walked in, interrupting them and carrying a small device in hand. "It's just a prototype but it works. I'll update it and make it better over time but for now-" He walked up to Natara. "Hey, Buffy. Mind if I..." He didn't finish his sentence, simply putting a sort of headband on Tara's head. "And there." He moved a screen beside her bedside.

They all frowned as he waited expectantly. "Well, think a word," He said as if it were obvious. "Any word."

Natara looked at Nat whose eyebrows were drawn in as she watched, confused as well.
Then a voice left the screen beside the bed.

"What are you-"

They all froze, Natara's eyes darting to the screen as it spoke.

"Was that? It is. It speaks for me?"

Natara looked at Tony.
"Does it read my thoughts?"

"Speaks them," Tony grinned. "It's basically you. Well, your mouth if you want to put it that way. I'm still trying to design a suit that let's you walk and move-"

"It doesn't sound like me."

Nat took a breath as she recognized the look on Tara's face and knew things were about to go badly. The voice didn't sound like Tara, the redhead was right. It sounded like a female version of VISION... but it was better than what they'd had.
"Tara," Nat breathed.

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