Chapter Fifty-Three

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"If you're lucky enough to find someone who shines bright enough to lead you out of the dark, make sure you let them know you're loved."

Natara woke up with a panicked gasp. It was dark and her back hurt. She could tell she was on a floor, though everything felt woozy. She frowned, going to wipe her face when she felt a heavy weight on her wrist.

Her heart lurched in her throat even as her brain didn't fully understand. She tugged again but now realized both of her hands were chained.
She checked and found that her legs were the same.

The room felt dirty and smelled disgusting. Her mind woke up and she remembered. Arobynn.
She remembered him turning fast while she was distracted. She remembered the sharp pain in her neck. A needle.

Her heart was racing so fast and she felt herself vomit, trying to do so as far away from her as possible. She knew from past experience that it wouldn't be cleaned for a while.

No- she got out. She killed him. Her eyes watered as she knew it had been a dream.

"No," She whispered, trying to pull the manacles off her wrist. "No... please. Please no." She was sobbing, chest heaving and mind reeling.

She'd gotten distracted, he'd gotten into her head and she'd let him.

"Please stop," She whispered. "Let me go. Please."
She couldn't do this again. She'd rather die.
She screamed now, loud, angry and hollow. "Please!"

She realized that no one was coming. He'd leave her down here till she exhausted herself. Arobynn didn't respond to her commands. She responded to his.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She was a fool. He'd come down here, eventually, and he'd gloat. And then he'd drug her and she'd be his all over again.


"Get up."

Natara blinked and took a quick gasp.

"We're here," He said.

She looked around quickly, her eyes not adjusted to the dark yet.
"What? Where?" She panicked.

"Upstate New York." The Uber driver looked back with a concerned frown. "The Avengers compound. Are you alright?"

Natara felt the biggest wave of relief wash over her and felt herself cry. From the tingling on her cheeks, she could tell she already had been.

"You were talking a lot in your dream. And moving. Are you sure you're fine, ma'am?"

Nataras hand was shaky as she went to open the door. "I am," She breathed. "Thank you."

She stumbled out, walking quickly while staggering towards the compound. She felt the biggest gratitude surge through her as she saw it.

Natasha. She needed Natasha. She just needed to feel okay for a while. They could talk after.

She wandered around the building. She had been for the past five minutes. Had the compound always been this big? She couldn't find Natasha anywhere. It was late, there weren't many places the blonde could be. But Natara couldn't find her. Surely she hadn't left?

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