Chapter Ten

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"I have stopped bringing flowers to the grave of the teenager I used to be."

"Is your guy any good?"

Natasha leveled Tara a dry look, she'd been awfully inquisitive about Mason ever since she'd mentioned him. "Go on, get whatever you're trying to say off your chest."

"I just don't usually meet my suppliers face to face, that's all."

"He's a friend," Natasha replied. She was finding this whole conversation very amusing. Natara paused beside her, causing her to stop as well. "Wha-"

"You look really pretty today," Natara said softly. She tilted her head as Nat turned, eyes flickering to the blonde's lips. She immediately saw the spy inhale at the action.

"Do I?" Nat asked, trying to fight her smirk at whatever Natara was playing at. But she couldn't deny the genuine adoration and want so obviously in Tara's eyes. They were so much closer than they'd been just yesterday. Tara opening up had made their relationship take on a different depth entirely.

"Mhm." Gently touching Nat's hair to run her fingers through it, she let the blonde spy draw closer. Natasha's hands went to her waist before wrapping around her to pull her in. Natara's breath caught despite herself.

Looking up quickly, Natara saw she was running out of time. "Can I kiss you?" She asked and watched as Nat's pupils immediately dilated. In answer, her lips crashed into Tara's.

Natara immediately fisted Natasha's mission suit material in her hands, holding her tighter. She heard the footsteps right by them- truly amazed that Nat hadn't yet- and simply held up a finger while she continued to kiss her, telling him to wait.

Pulling away when they ran out of air, Natara looked at Natasha softly before forcing herself to look at the unfamiliar face behind them. "You must be Mason. I'm Natara, pleasure to meet me, I'm sure."

Natasha turned quickly, shocked she hadn't heard his entrance. She then took in the brunette's slight confidence- well more than the usual amount- and understood perfectly. Natara had seen Mason coming some time ago, probably round about the moment she'd made them stop walking. And she'd kissed Nat on purpose knowing Mason would see.

Natasha took a calming breath, trying not to give her partner a look. "Mason," She greeted.

"Never would've taken you to be so... distracted. This may be the first time you've ever not seen me coming."

"I tend to have that effect on others," Natara supplied.

"So it seems."

Natasha tried to diffuse the obvious tension. "Bike's back there. Let's hope this one's better than the last excuse for a plane."

"Hey, I got that to you on short notice."

Natasha just smirked.

"Well, now that we've all met, can we move on? Places to be, people to save. You know how it goes, Matt."

"It's Mason, but sure." He led them forward.

Natasha threw Tara a look as they followed, the brunette smiling sweetly at her in return. As false at it was, the beauty of said smile didn't lose its affect on her. The spy took Natara's hand in her own and felt the ex-assassin look at her in surprise before holding it back.
Was that a blush she saw?

"Wow," Nat whistled appreciatively. This is actually nice."

"You see what I can do when you give me time?"

They took in the quinjet and even Natara didn't have any smart comment.
"Thanks, Mason. I owe you."

"Oh, you definitely do."

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