Chapter Twenty-five

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"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different."

Wanda's POV

Her magic collected in her palms as she faced the aliens in front of her. She wasn't leaving Vision. The Sokovian tried not to think of him behind her and how they weren't likely to make it out of this.

The train horn blared and the alien woman cocked her head to the side, looking at something behind her which made Wanda look back too.

Once the train passed they could make out the shadowy figure of a man. The alien lady threw her weapon, a weird trident looking thing that had blue spikes. The man twisted and caught it. He took a step out, the light hitting his face and Wanda felt hope spark inside her chest.

Steve Rogers.

Another figure swooped in now, slamming into the alien and sending her crashing to the side. Sam.
He sent flares at the other alien, this one resembling a man, and Steve threw the trident weapon he'd caught across the open area.

It was caught by a blonde woman who skidded along her knees and used it to slash the alien guy's legs. It was Natasha.

The blonde maneuvered seamlessly, agile as ever before she sent the trident into his stomach.

A foot collided with his legs and his knees collided with the floor.
Wanda looked at the redhead behind him, hair braided and seeming to glow with a happiness and ease Wanda had never seen before.

She smiled now, a true smile as she saw her bestfriend. Tara.
Both her and Natasha engaged with the alien man, moving together like one person that had been separated in two, seeming to anticipate each other's movements before they were even made.

The trident was propelled backwards and out of Nat's hand where it landed back in its master's grip. The female gave a shout and tried to bring it down on Steve who managed to stop it a few inches from his face before pushing back.

"Go!" Natara shouted and Wanda watched Nat take off to assist Steve, the two working together as they attacked and evaded the alien woman.

Natara stood over the male, weapons aimed threateningly as he lay on the ground. Sam reappeared and flew into the woman, everything having taken place in the few seconds it took him to circle back.
The alien was sent flying towards her partner where she crouched over him protectively.

"Get up," She hissed.

"I can't," The male breathed heavily.

Steve, Sam, Natara, and Nat stood over the two creatures, seeming so in control and intimidating it was hard not to be in awe.

"We don't want to kill you, but we will," Nat said calmly.

The alien woman looked up at them. "You'll never get the chance again."

She pressed something and a beam came down, collecting both aliens and their weapon.

Wanda was entirely focused on Vision but looked back when all four Avengers approached.

"Can you stand?" Sam asked as he helped Vision up.
Both him and her held Vis between them. They looked at Steve who had a serious expression on.

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