Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"I was afraid, but not for myself."

"So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodey asked while Bruce paced up and down. The doctor was really getting on her nerves with his constant panicked personality. She found herself continuously staring at him. What had her wife even seen in the man. Natara herself and Bruce Banner were two very different people. Did Natasha have a type? If so, which one of them was more her type?

"And they can clearly find us," Wanda said, hand against her mouth as it rested on the arm across her body.  Natara now frowned worriedly at the ginger, seeing how tired and weighed down she looked.

This was a lot on Wanda, with Vision being so involved in this whole mess. The redhead didn't know what she would do if the roles were reversed and it was Natasha in Vision's situation.
Probably whatever it took to make sure she was safe, regardless of the consequences or personal cost.

"We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint?" Bruce asked. Of course he turned to Natasha for this question and Natara found her grip tightening on the blade she was playing with.

On the other hand though, Natasha looked exceptionally good wearing her suit and sister's vest with her arms crossed, all serious and brooding.
Tara could never pay attention in these sort of things, she understood what was happening and could play her part, yes, but she never got so sucked into it that it became do or die. What a boring way to live.
However, Natasha made that boring way look hot.

"After the whole Accords situation," Nat replied, "He and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families. They're on house arrest."

"Who's Scott?" Bruce asked at the exact same moment Natara spoke.

"Scott's the little ant man," She said in a breathy and dangerous tone. "He gets big too though." Her eyes dragged up and down the Doctor's body in a way some might deem seductive, except Bruce swallowed nervously because he knew it wasn't.
"Even bigger than you when you get all green." Her mouth moved into a smirk.

"There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man?" Bruce asked, turning to Steve.

At this Natara's smirk fell and she blinked, going tense. Peter Parker was off planet and facing enemies they couldn't even comprehend.
She'd spoken to him months ago, back when he was going after the Vulture. She'd tried to warn him off it, he hadn't listened. Then again, Natara shouldn't have expected much else when the boy practically worshiped Stark.

He'd managed to bring down the Vulture too. The kid was good, she'd give him that... but he was still a kid.
Natara hoped him and Tony were alright. She didn't let herself dwell on any other option.

"Okay look," Bruce said, drawing their conversation back to the serious matter. "Thanos has the biggest army in the universe and he is not gonna stop until he gets..." He looked around, clearly trying to avoid Wanda's eyes and hating what he was saying. "...Vision's stone."

Nat took a step forward. "Then we have to protect it."

Natara hated to watch her wife saying the words they all knew. Hated seeing Nat and everyone else being on the frontlines for their biggest war yet. The selfish part of Natara wanted to take her wife and lock her away, hide her and everyone else she cared about... some place they'd be safe until this was all over. Unfortunately for the redhead, a large part of her was selfish which made it so much harder to comprehend.

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