Chapter Eight

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"The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips"

Natara's heart thrashed against her ribcage and it took everything in her to not dig her fingers into the person pressing against her the same way her desire was practically clawing at her chest and throat.

Never in her entire life had she known such a deep and visceral need than the feelings gripping her right now.

Natasha's body was against her, warm and soft... her lips pressed against Natara's. It was Natasha's breath in her mouth, Natasha's smell obsessing her mind and filling every part of her goddamn brain.

A sharp inhale of breath sounded. Their mouths had pulled apart at the very last second possible, when breathing could no longer be anything but a priority.

Natara's head feel back, resting against the wall, lips parted as she inhaled deeply, eyes wide and bewildered.

Natasha looked up through the lashes of her lidded eyes, unable to do anything but stare at the column of Natara's throat, prominent thanks to the position of her head. And thank God for that position, Nat did.

The slightest bit of amusement coloured Nat's thoughts when she could actually see Tara's pulse slamming against her throat as if wanting to be freed. She couldn't help herself as she touched the point gently. The brunette's head snapped forward instantly, a soft inhale sounding.
But Natasha's hand only drifted higher, tracing her jawline, her cheek, her mouth, enraptured by it all.

She could feel Natara's eyes burning into her and the faintest shiver rolled down her spine. The intensity of Natara's gaze had always awakened her every sense. And now- God, Nat had never felt so restrained in her own body.

"You have been the only thing I've wanted since the second I met you. And trust me, I've wanted you in lots of ways," Natasha said. She said the words absently, as if they were flowing without the permission of thought. Simply truth breathed to life as she got to do the things she'd imagined hundreds of times before.

Natara understood that when she said "lots of ways", they weren't all sexual. But she could barely focus in light of the husk that had taken over Nat's vocal cords. She'd always had a raspy voice... but fueled by everything they were feeling, it was more rasp than words.

"You took your time in finding me," Natara breathed, trying for all her life to pull herself together enough to form a sentence.
Her wish came true when she saw the brief flicker of something different in the blown green eyes across from her own.

"Yeah, well... I had a very unexpected adventure."

But Natara stood straight now and her sharp mind was clearly working. Nat found herself growing emotional and couldn't understand why.
"It was nothing-"

"Were you hurt?" Quick were the assassin's hands, almost matching the speed in which her eyes darted across the spy's body, this time only showing concern. "Did-"

"Shh, shh, Tara." Natasha breathed softly, hand resting against the brunettes chest tenderly.

Natara noticed how tired Nat looked in this light. She knew that tiredness. It went beyond the physical, weighing on so much more than the body or even mind. Those short platinum blonde strands were pushed lovingly from where they'd hung, Nat's head moving up from where it'd dropped slightly in response.

"Come on," Natara whispered.

No questions asked though confusion existing, Natasha allowed herself to be lead upstairs. To her bedroom. In her house-- more or less.
By a person who shouldn't actually know where the room was but had of course taken the time to memorize the structure. She smiled.

Her leather jacket was taken off carefully, the movement broken was a faint but sharp pause before the material was off the arms and discarded on the chair by her desk.
Natara drew back the covers and Natasha eased onto the mattress.
"I'm awake," She drawled, not wanting to be put to bed like a child the first time they saw each other again.

"Well I'm not," Natara replied.

Natara pulled off her shoes and shrugged on a sweater-- wait a minute, her sweater, over her top.

"Don't-" Nat quickly tried, seeing the events in front of her. Too late

"You stole my sweater." Natara smirked, secretly losing her mind at the fact her sweater smelled like Natasha.
Her expression softened when she watched Nat turn over, clearly accepting she was going to sleep afterall. Perfect timing, as usual.

Truth be told, Natara actually felt quite awake and wasn't tired at all. She'd gotten used to limited sleep over the years. Her mind had never allowed her decent hours, plagued by nightmares and memories. But Nat would've only felt bad if she'd known she was the reason they were sleeping. So Natara didn't mind lying, not about this.

She still saw the bruises on Nat's back, or what she could see of it. She'd spotted the skin above the neck of Nat's shirt and when Nat lay down the fabric had lifted just a bit. Enough to expose some of her lower back. The severity of the bruises from the limited space caused an unfamiliar feeling to strike Natara in her chest and stomach. But now wasn't the time. They'd ask questions later.

Stifling a groan when she lowered herself onto the mattress as well, Natara slowly turned over to face the blonde whose eyes were wide open and watching her. "What?"

Natasha was smirking faintly, eyes glowing. "Are you okay?" She asked gently, teasing shining in her tone. She saw those green eyes narrow and smirked wider.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Natara asked.

Shrugging, Nat let out a heavy yawn. "We both know you get a bit..." She was thinking her words through carefully. "Skittish, when it comes to certain things." The shocked expression she caught had a laugh bubbling out unexpectedly, smile easily replacing her habitual smirk.
"It's okay... really. I don't mind. It's kind of cute, how you can act like a scared teenage girl-"

A pillow thrown accurately into her face shut her up. "That's enough out of you, Romanoff. Sleep."

Pure delight showed through Nat's answering laugh, loud and joyful. She settled into the mattress and gently held Natara's hand, the brunettes back to her now. She felt the ex-assassin stiffen before hastily holding hers too.
Nat hoped her chuckle of being proved right wasn't too loud.

"Not a word," Natara warned.

And Nat kept quiet. She only smiled and held Natara's hand tighter.
She was entirely aware that she might finally get some proper sleep.
And within moments her mind slipped into unconsciousness.

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