Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Congratulations. You have survived the war.
Now live with the trauma."

"Move over," Natara nudged Bucky Barnes aside and replaced him with herself, standing next to her wife. It went Steve, Nat, herself, and then the winter soldier.
"I want a big suit. Why does Bruce get one and I can't?" She asked.

"Because he can't go green anymore and we need as many people as we can get," Nat answered patiently as she thought about it some more. "Though I'll admit, at least you'd be easy to keep an eye on."

"It's cute that you worry, Habibati, but really, there's no need."

"You do remeber one of the last times we were in a fight and you got shot and stabbed, right? Because I remember it quite clearly," Nat said absently, looking over the barrier and all the alien monuments.

"It's unhealthy to hold my failures against me like that, Natasha. I'm quite insulted." Natara saw her wife's eye roll and pouted.

"I heard you took down like ten men with you," A male voice spoke.

Tara turned at Bucky Barnes's voice, eying him up and down. He looked a little awkward, like it had taken courage to speak up. She decided to play nice. "It was probably more than that. I lost track."


The Jabari Tribe let out war cries. The entirety of Wakanda's warriors stood assembled, their team along with it.
This felt different to their usual fights. It felt like an actual war... and Tara was slightly apprehensive.

Natasha squeezed her hand. "One last time," She asked in question, looking a little nervous too. "Yeah?"

"Sounds good to me."

T'Challa looked at her and they gave each other a firm nod.
Without needing to discuss it, the King, Steve, Nat, and herself all walked towards the barrier.

They could make out the alien woman from Scotland and another dude with her. It was a different male though from the one before which let Natara know that the man Nat and her had fought, the one her wife had stabbed- he was likely dead. A part of Natara felt sorry for the alien female, losing her partner.
Gods, Natasha really had made her a sap.

They all stopped, close enough to speak with one another, the barrier still between them.
"Where's your friend?" Nat asked, looking the woman over.

Gods, Natara thought. Here she was feeling bad for the woman, and her wife was instead using the loss to taunt her. It appeared the pity wasn't mutual.

"You will pay for his life with yours," The alien woman said.

"Just had to make yourself a target," Natara berated. The female, blue skinned, looked her over consideringly then.

"Or maybe you will pay for his life with hers," She amended, looking right at Tara. It appeared she'd figured out Natasha and her had a personal relationship and wanted Nat to hurt the same way the blonde had hurt her.

"Keep talking," Nat warned, stepping the slightest bit in front of her wife. "And you might meet him sooner than you expect."

The female looked them all over. "Thanos will have that stone."

Steve's voice was quiet and calm, serious as ever. "That's not gonna happen."

"You are in Wakanda now," T'Challa spoke. "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

"We," The female said, "have blood to spare." She let out a grunt and raised her arm.

Those monuments they'd sent down to earth lifted up now, rumbling loudly.
Natara looked the other guy beside the female, over. She couldn't help her expression. He was huge. And really, really ugly.

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