Chapter Five

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"Some memories never leave your bones. Like salt in the sea; they become part of you."


"You heard me. This is enough. Look at this! Get up and end it and then get your ass in the car. This is over."

"It's over when I say it's over."

Storming over to the gun lying there Alessia picked it up and shoved it hard into Natara's chest. The blonde in front of her was someone she didn't recognize. "No. It's over now. Get your shit together."


Some time before...

"You got him?" A glow was starting to shine through in Natara's green eyes which was probably more scary then good. But Alessia nodded nonetheless, happy she'd finally provided.

"I do. Got the son of a bitch the second he reared his head."

"Thank you. You're amazing." Natara was gone a second after, saying she'd pack everything she needed to.

Alessia stared. She'd felt like shit for not being able to find him like Natara had asked. But now she'd done her job and she could finally relax, more or less. Natara calling her amazing was just the cherry on top.

Less than ten minutes later the blonde re-entered the room, bag on shoulder.

"That was quick." Especially for Natara. Chronic overpacker didn't quite describe her...

"Give me the rundown, security, the building he's in, the building he's going to be in, everything. He's not leaving alive."

Alessia nodded, suppressing a shiver for more than one reason. She straightened her posture. "When are we leaving?"

"A few hours."


"You get in the car and stay here as soon as it's done, okay? And once I'm in you make sure you've driven far enough away." Natara looked at their surroundings.

The street was desolate and the wind rang with a sharp whistle. It seemed the universe was on her side for once. No stars frosted the night sky and the clouds hung thickly over the moon, like fog concealing a car right before it crashed into another.
She looked at Alessia. "Got it?" A nod.

"And you're sure he's on his own?"


Natara noted the other woman's apprehension. She didn't comment on it and instead grasped the cold door handle. "Then I'll see you soon-"
Alessia's hand landed on her arm and Natara turned back around to face her, brow furrowed.

Alessia's eyes flickered on hers. She was searching for something and seemed disappointed about what she found. Or concerned.
"Be careful in there, okay?"

Frown disappearing and a curious smile replacing it, a chuckle escaped Natara's lips. "Don't worry, he can't do anything even if he tried. He prefers his victims defenseless. And on the younger side."

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