Chapter Sixty-Eight

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"No risk, no story."


Natara was bored of this case, glancing at the picture and information for a quick few seconds.
"It was the boyfriend."

"They already checked that," Nat replied. The cold case sat in front of them, one of many they'd gone through. What could she say? They were bored.

Tara gave a lazy and defeated sigh. "Then I don't know. I give up."

Natasha looked at her wife dryly. "If I go missing and someone finds my body, please don't get involved in the investigation."

Natara turned to her with a grin then. "I have several problems with that statement," She informed. "One, you'd never go missing and be found dead. We both know you're too good for that." Natara looked her over. "Two, if you were ever missing..." She leaned over and kissed the redhead. "I would move heaven and hell itself to find you." She looked at her closely. "I would call in every single favour and use every single connection I have... and I've done a lot of skeptical things- so there's a lot of those." Natara grinned, both of their eyes locked at the surprisingly intimate and intense moment. "And then, the people who touched you... I'd kill them all myself."
She shrugged before brushing Nat's hair away from her face. "You wouldn't even be gone three days."


The drive back from Tony's cabin was silent, mostly. They were headed to meet with Bruce now, their next "big brain" since Tony had declined.

Pulling up outside the restaurant and getting out the car, Nat excused herself.
"You guys go ahead, we'll catch up with you in a minute."
Tara paused, seeing Natasha's eyes on her and knowing it meant they were going to talk. Scott and Steve just nodded and headed inside.

Silence was there for a few seconds before the redhead spoke, rather firmly. "Spill."

Looking up, Tara's green eyes met the pair opposite her. Sighing, she got back inside the car, her wife following a few seconds after. Once enveloped in the security of the vehicle, Tara took a breath.

"I'm not on board with any of this."

Natasha blinked, seeming to struggle with the news but nodding slowly. "Okay," She breathed, then taking her wife's hand in her own. "Talk to me."

Natara squeezed, feeling guilty, letting it all out. "Time travel? Ya Amar, really? You can't tell me you think it will work-"

"It might." Nat nodded, looking ready to defend it.

Tara paused, looking tired.  "Natasha."
The redhead blinked, a little emotional.

"It might, Natara. It's the best chance we have."

"And what if it doesn't?" She asked quietly.

"Then we deal with it."

"Can you?"
Again, that heavy silence.
So the brunette took a gentle inhale."You have had one foot outside of the door for years. And I can handle that... I have been. But I'm all in, Natasha. I'm all in." Those beautiful green eyes looked at her guiltily.
"And I feel like you were finally accepting that... but this? If this doesn't work, I worry it will destroy everything that is here. Our future. Us."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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