Chapter Sixty-One

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"If I knew it all then
would I do it again?"

"We need to take her in now, Nat," Tony said gently, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Natasha took a shaky breath from where she was holding Tara's hand. A hand that hadn't twitched or moved, hadn't held hers back.
She kept staring at her wife's beautiful face, so lifeless. Even like this, Natara was physically beautiful, features stunning. But Nat had never realized how much of her beauty was Natara.

Yes, she was beautiful now. Gorgeous.
But that staggering beauty, the type that had always left her and others in awe... that was all Natara. Her personality. Her expressive eyes and curving smile. Nat couldn't live never seeing that again.

"Okay," She breathed,  squeezing Natara's hand and kissing her temple. She held Natara's face, her own near it for a moment. "Don't leave me," She whispered. "I swear to God..." She couldn't even comprehend the idea. "You promised."

Tony rested a hand on her shoulder as the team he'd brought in wheeled her out.

"She'll be okay. She's one of the strongest people I've ever met."
Nat held his hand on her shoulder for a moment, nodding and trying to believe that.

"We're going to be in there for hours. Go home. Get some sleep."
She hadn't done that since this whole thing had happened.

"Okay." Nat gave his hand one more squeeze, so tired of crying, before exiting the room.
She couldn't go home, not without Natara... but she could book herself in somewhere close by to just get some rest.


Natara pulled back abruptly, swallowing and breathing hard.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Nat asked worriedly, lips still tingling and heart still racing.

"No," Natara apologized quickly, "sorry- it wasn't that." She took a deep breath. "I just-" She tried, heart pounding. "I just want it to mean something. I just- I dont know..."

Nat's heart broke at the fear and hesitancy in Natara's voice, clearly scared to be voicing something she thought she may not be allowed. "Okay," Nat said with a small smile, nodding encouragingly. She gently raised a hand and waited for Natara's silent permission before touching her. "I do too, and I'm glad that you do." The blonde looked at her, looking timid and small.

"Okay then." Natara had tried for a casual and confident tone but it had wavered more than she'd like to admit. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, not for that. You deserve it, every person does."

Natara nodded once more before moving closer again, gently and carefully moving a piece of hair from Nat's face.

Natasha still found it within herself to be amazed at how Natara was always so respectful when it came to touching her. Something she'd never been taught but had learned either way. Nat took her shy hand gently and rested it against her own face, her eyes focused on Natara who ever so slowly touched Natasha's lips with her thumb, grazing them softly.

"Well not every person does... I didn't." She stared at Natasha, unable to look away. "So thank you."

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