Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Part of her mystery is how she is calm in the storm and anxious in the quiet."

"Uh, Natara-"

Tara looked over her shoulder, pausing at the man who came rushing after her. She turned slowly, head tilting to the side as her gaze swept over his body.

"Um, your results- I've uh, got them."

She looked at Bruce, raising a brow at his empty hands. "Okay," She said slowly. "Where?"

"Right! Um, they're on my laptop... you know, it goes straight there and-"

"Just," She held up her hands, not having the patience for this. "Lead the way, Banner."

"Right. Just uh, follow me."


"Oh." Natara paused at the group in front of her. Natasha, Steve, Rhodey, Carol, Naye, and Nebula- the blue person.
The room felt tense and she'd caught the last of Nebula's sentence. Being:

"Don't bother. I know where he is."

"Tara?" Nat asked, seeing her standing in the doorway taking everything in. "What's wrong?" She could sense from her expression that she'd come to say something.

"Uh..." Natara looked everyone over, Steve and Nat seeming to be having a standoff with Carol and Naye, though the brunette didn't appear too involved.
"It's fine... it was about my results. We can talk about it after. This sounds important."

Nat blinked, suddenly feeling anxious about whatever Bruce had found. He'd done multiple tests on Tara over the past two weeks. They'd all seen the way Thanos's glove didn't work on her back in Wakanda, and Vision had sensed something in her too. They'd been trying to figure out what it all meant.
"No, uh-" The blonde avenger looked at the room quickly, knowing this was important but that Tara's results were even more so. "You guys talk. Catch me up."

She shot a glance at Steve but he shook his head.
"I'll go too. We won't be long," He told the others.

"Respectfully, we don't really have time-" Carol started but Naye's hand went to her arm, clearly saying something in her mind. The blonde just swallowed but nodded begrudgingly.

Natasha left a moment after, followed by Steve as they walked with Natara.
"Have you seen them?" Nat asked, worry spreading throughout her whole chest.

"I have... it's complicated," Tara replied.


They entered Bruce's lab, seeing the man pouring over multiple screens and papers.
"What's going on?" Nat asked, taking a breath. Steve stood next to her, concern in his eyes too.

"Is she okay?" He asked.

"I am right here," Natara mumbled but took a breath anyway. "I'll explain it. Banner makes everything sound too complicated and honestly, worse than it is."

That didn't exactly ease Nat's worries.

"So the weapon that I essentially swallowed, containing power infused by the tessaract which we now know is the mind stone, it is in me. Yes. And it's got no intention of leaving. Apparently it's infused itself with my..."

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