Chapter Fifteen

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"How long does it have to go on?
This punishment?
Haven't I done time enough, haven't I served my term?
Can't I apply for a pardon?"

"Oh Gods, it must've been something I ate," Natara moaned as she collapsed onto the couch.

"Here, sweetheart." Nat lay a few tablets into the brunette's palm, handing her a glass of water soon after. Tara took the medication and then lay back on the couch and groaned.
The Avenger knew she was also incredibly embarrassed and had a feeling that once all the pain was over, the embarrassment would probably last awhile, it brought a small smile to her face, the thought amusing.

"Come on," She said softly, easing herself behind Tara. Without instructions, her girlfriend simply lifted her body enough to ease onto Nat's, resting against her comfortably.

Laying a hot beanbag against the brunette's stomach, Nat gently ran her fingers through her brown strands, feeling Tara relax. Her hair had grown slightly longer during their months together and Natara had been right, the natural colour was identical to the dyed one.

She herself wasn't so lucky, her red rather stark against the platinum blonde. But Tara had fixed that, re-dying and cutting her hair, something she was surprisingly really good at.

Natara took a deep breath, feeling the pain in her stomach subside for the time being. It'd be back soon and she sent imaginary daggers at the fool of an organ.
She tried to think over what she'd eaten the past day, her stomach had been running and she wanted to die from the embarrassment and pain of it all.

Firstly, her stomach had only done that twice before in her life, the first when she'd been taken from Syria and had to start eating the food given to her and then the second was when she'd eaten something ridiculously off when she was off the grid- after leaving Wakanda.
That's where she learnt that knowing how to cook- a lifesaving tool. Of course she didn't actually learn how to cook until several years later, more specifically, until Natasha.

This was all just awful timing. They had the whole tessaract weapon extraction thing in just a few hours and here she was, in pain and likely dying.
Turns out, some crazy lady scientist had rediscovered old HYDRA technology and decided the world needed more deadly weapons, so she'd made it better.
"We have a mission in a few hours."

Natasha hummed. "I can do it myself if you're not up for it by then-"

Natara's hand squeezed her thigh warningly. "You will not." Her voice was serious. "There's no ways in hell."

"You think I can't handle it?" Natasha smirked.
She realized how serious Tara was when she replied in Arabic, in a manner resembling a rant. Natasha understood some of the words but the speed had her struggling even as she got the general meaning of all the words. "Okay, okay. Fine. You'll be fine, we'll go together." She didn't need Natara worked up while she still wasn't feeling well.

Natara huffed, still spinning from the statement. Her pain had subsided for now and so she sat up, still holding her beanbag on her stomach but turning more into Natasha, head resting in her neck as she lay a gentle kiss on the soft skin.

It still amazed her just how obsessed she still was with the blonde Avenger, even after being together as long as they had. Natara would look at her and struggle to comprehend how she could actually exist. More so than that, how she was hers.

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