Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Sometimes late at night
our memories sneak out of my eyes
and roll down my cheeks."

"Couldn't sleep?" Natara asked quietly, words directed to the presence behind her.
Her hands were braced on her sink and she stared out the small window, showing the dark night sky and full moon. There was a glass of water in front of her which she was slowly finishing.

"I didn't mean to disturb you," The voice quickly rushed out, panicked, making the redhead turn.

She looked at Kiera, so fragile and young. "It's okay, habibti," Natara sighed softly. The girl's eyes went wide at the sight of her, just as they had earlier, when Tara had removed her wig and other items that hid her identity. Kiera was apparently an Avengers fan.
"Here, have a seat."

Kiera sat, slowly. Tara let her take her time, trying not to appear intimidating.
The redhead sat on the opposite side, waiting for her to speak.

"You're married?" The young girl breathed out, seeing the ring on her finger.

"I am," Natara replied gently, a soft smile twitching at her lips. The girl wore a small frown which made that twitching smile form fully, a small grin on Tara's lips now. "I wasn't wearing my ring earlier," She explained. "You wouldn't have seen it."

Kiera nodded, looking at her for a second before looking down again, Tara's smile falling slowly.

"You know," Kiera started nervously, fingers tapping her thighs, "I used to imagine it... the Avengers saving me, saving us. I used to imagine it all the time."

Now it was Natara's turn to look down. "I'm sorry it took me so long."

"That's okay... you came. I didn't think any of you would."

A soft silence fell again and Kiera spoke once more, surprising the redhead.
"They're good kids. The others. They're from good homes. They lost their families when everyone disappeared and Ricardo... he- he made it seem better. He told them about the things they could do and- and he lies... tricks people, makes them think things that aren't true." Her voice broke off and she sniffed, wiping her eyes.

Natara nodded, a slight frown between her brows as she listened. "I know," She said softly. "They're good at that."

"He had um-" Kiera choked but kept going. "He had pictures of me... private pictures. That's why I did what he said whenever he asked. He said I could go to jail if people found the photos." Her hazel eyes were fully focused on the ground now and Tara could tell she was crying. "He also said he loved me... that he would take care of me. He lied."

Tara listened, heart breaking as she watched Kiera break down. "These people," Natara said. "The people that do this, like Ricardo, they're highly skilled predators... They've perfected the art of manipulation, coercion... seduction, all of it. It's not your fault for believing it. It's only his."

Kiera nodded, still looking down and crying.
"It was just me and my ma..." She opened up. "But my ma- she did a lot of drugs. Like the others did. So- so when he was there for me and told me he loved me..."

"You believed him," Natara finished for her. "That's okay. I would've too."

"Really?" Kiera looked at her then, longing and hope in her eyes. Tara was taken aback, at the awe she saw. Like she was someone to be in awe of. She'd done nothing right most of her life, had failed at most of the things she'd done. It didn't make sense for someone to look at her like she was worth anything.

But she didn't ruin the image for Kiera.

"I did," Natara breathed. "I had a Ricardo too... not entirely the same but I went through some similar things. I wasn't as strong as you though... I took the drugs, and I let them break me. I can see you haven't. It took me years before I got out."

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