Chapter Fifty-Eight

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"I wasn't beautiful anymore.
Now I looked like what I was, a raw wound."



"I'll kill him. I swear to the Gods- I'll rip him apart-"

"Just think for a moment-"


"What are you thinking about?" Natara asked, hand behind her head as she lay on her back.

"Us," Nat admitted softly, turning over to look at her. "We still have a lot to talk about. We messed up a lot  things-"

Natara frowned then, focusing for a moment. "Just- hold that thought-" She quickly got up and headed to the bathroom. About two minutes later she was back in the room with an annoyed expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Do we have any pads left? After I last got?"

Nat shook her head, sitting up. "No, I don't think so. Do you need now?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to head out and get." Natara gave a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry, I know you wanted to talk-"

"No, go get. We can talk after. Do you want me to get them?"

"No, I'll go. Ales wanted to get some stuff anyway. I'll do it all same time." Moving to the blonde and giving her a kiss on her cheek, Tara apologized once more. "We'll speak as soon as I get back. I promise. Is there anything you want from the shop?"

"No, it's okay."

"Okay, babe, just message me if you think of something." Grabbing her keys and shouting for Alessia, Nat sighed as they left.
She remembered the first time she'd gone shopping with Natara for pads and tampons. She'd felt way out of her depth.
She'd always had a drawer of everything the redhead could need for that time of the month even though she personally didn't really know what it felt like to go through that. So Nat had pretty much just read online.

Obviously over the past almost two years, there hadn't been much reason to keep the drawer up to date. The blonde wished she'd thought to restock it before now.

Natara and her were good, great even. But they still had moments, where there were tense silences or hurt feelings over past events. Plus they were both still weighted down from the reminders of their other family and friends who'd walked these same halls. It took a toll, and it affected them which in turn affected their marriage.
Bur they'd be okay. They just needed time.


Natara put the bags down on the counter and packed everything that she needed to away. Both her and Nat's favourite ice creams were now in the freezer. She made sure that whenever she had to experience the downfalls of being a woman, Nat got to feel included too.
She always wondered what it felt like to watch and not entirely understand, to have had that choice taken from her.

Going to the bathroom before heading up to their room, Natara took some popcorn with her. They could watch movies later, it was an old tradition on the first day of her period. They should start sticking to those again.

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