Prologue - 1

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Hi everyone, my name is Pickle

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Hi everyone, my name is Pickle. There's not much to say about somebody like me, but I guess this is a story about how I ended up in a game centered around murder for your entertainment, and Fan's godforsaken blog. If my storytelling feels off... that's a you problem.

I've been staying at Hotel Oj for over a decade at this point... and it's always been the same shit for me. Wake up at noon, eat breakfast, play video games, eat lunch at three, ask anyone if they wanna hang out, get told "no" by everyone except Bomb, play video games with him for a few hours, and then scroll through my phone until it hits midnight. It's not a great cycle to live with, but it's practically the only stability I have anymore.

Today was just a tiny bit different though. I went to sleep last night, with nothing weird going on, but when I woke up? It was eight A.M., my window was boarded up, the other bed in my room was gone, the tv was showing a picture of Fan staring back at my soul, and on my nightstand was a small piece of paper. I picked it up.

Sorry about the renovations- it's just easier to make you come downstairs this way! Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

- Fan, your favorite host

Oh, so he stole my shit, ruined my room, and now wants me to do whatever he says? Awesome! Just out of spite, I grab my phone and turn it on to go through discord... but as soon as I put in my passcode, all it showed was the same picture of Fan that was on my tv. That bastard hacked into my phone?! Well, two can play at this game- I'll just call Oj to come and figure it out from the hotel's telephone downstairs! I put my phone down, got out of bed, and opened up my bedroom door to look out in the hallway.

Everything looked pretty standard out here, but it's a hallway... not like Fan could've fucked it up anymore than Oj already did when he designed the wallpaper. As I closed my door, getting ready to go downstairs, I heard the door next to mine open up. Soap poked her head out, then stepped forward.

"I think it's safe! I don't see Fan anywhere, Bomb."

"T-T-Thank God..." Bomb's mutter came from behind her, and he also appeared through the door. I waved, kinda unsure of what to do. Bomb eventually saw me, and his eyes lit up, a gleeful smile forming as well. "Oh Pickle! Y-Y-You're not g-gone!"

"Why would I be? I'm just a little twerp- not anyone worth kidnapping."

"...I- I don't know why you'd get k-kidnapped ei-either. But- why is all our stuff messed up?" Bomb gently pushed past Soap to walk over to me, almost immediately hugging me for dear life. I hugged him back, of course. "Is your stuff gone too? S-sssoap and I lost all our favorite things. My f-fucking ant farm's missing!" I looked at Soap, and she shrugged at me before leaving to go downstairs. Bomb let go of me eventually, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "You know how much I loved those little guys."

"Of course I know- I'm sorry to hear about Antoinette and her subjects. My gaming consoles are gone, so you're not the only one who lost something. Fan also hacked into my cell, and I got to see his lovely face first thing in the morning." I rolled my eyes, but Bomb giggled at the last part.

"Yeah- h-he's... very... odd," he murmured as he looked around the hallway. "B-B-B-B-BUT- ... sorry- we should probably go downstairs. Maybe the others are having a meeting about it soon?"

"I hope so." I sighed, but then glanced towards a door further down the hall- Knife's door, specifically. I hope he's ok. Before I could think anymore about his safety, Bomb had grabbed ahold of my hand and was dragging me down to the lobby.

As soon as we got into the lobby, we saw about fourteen others, including Soap, who looked about as confused as the two of us were! Though- some of the people I didn't quite recognize... They all turned to look at me and Bomb, and he seemed to freeze up a bit, gripping my hand tighter than before. That's usually my cue to say something because he's too anxious to do it himself, so I put on my best smolder and raised my other hand a bit.

"Hey everyone! Uh- so I'm guessing we aren't the only ones with the weird shit in our rooms?" Paper responded to me first, with a pretty hostile look in his eyes.

"You know how I feel when you swear, Pickle. But..." the hostility quickly faded, turning to concern. "Yes. When I woke up, my alarm hadn't even gone off, and I just about had a heart attack when I saw Fan! Oj was there, you should tell them!"

Bomb and I looked at each other for a second. Paper and Oj are so...blegh. But Oj adjusted his glasses, nodding to his little twink.

"I tried to use the telephone down here to call the electrician, but I couldn't reach anybody. And I had to comfort Paper- he was having another one of his little tantrums."

"...that's not...that's not true, Oj. I was having a bit of an episode, sure, b-"

"Sure it isn't Paper. You weren't in absolute hysterics, like you always are." Oj glanced at Paper, and Paper's hands had balled up into fists. He looked angry yet again, but didn't bother saying anything for a few moments. Fortunately for my brain cells, somebody else talked before he could. It was some really short guy with long, dark hair, who I'd never seen before.

"So, this is what the famous Hotel OJ looks like?... it sucks." At first, I hadn't registered what he said because his voice surprised me. It was WAY deeper than mine- or anyone else's for that matter! But then his words came back to me. He's short, deep voiced, AND he's got a based opinion? Good for him! Some tall, blonde guy standing behind him seemed to agree, but he also looked a little frantic, like the way the other had said it was too offensive.

"C'mon Blueberry- I think the decoration was a very decent effort! Lesbian flags can definitely work as a theme! Though- I uh... wouldn't say it works in this specific application. Maybe once this weird lockdown is over, Oj can find a color scheme more easy on the eyes? N-No offense to lesbians."

A few people nodded in silence, and then it went back to that awkward feeling from when I had first come downstairs. I looked over my shoulder at Bomb, and he seemed a little less nervous, but still eager to hide. He smiled at me though, so I smiled back.

This was all pretty weird- but at least I still have my last Chicken Leg ally... Bomb's been with me ever since season one ended- not even Knife was around back then! I was so lucky to have a friend like Bomb, even if he was a bit of a puss sometimes.

As soon as those positive, nostalgic thoughts filled my mind, a puff of smoke filled the lobby where we stood, and I couldn't see a damn thing. Oh great- maybe a fire to burn us all down! I at first tried to fan away the smoke, but it slowly cleared out by itself, revealing Fan in the worst black, white, and red makeup look I've ever seen.

"Hi everyone! I'm so glad you all decided to come downstairs- this is a very important occasion to me, and a major new series for my Fantastic Features blog!" He made some grand gesture with his hands, then put them on his hips as he stood with an air of confidence that he most definitely did not deserve to have. "Now, I'm sure you guys are all very confused, and that's normal! But I wanted to tell you guys what was going on myself, so here I am! You'd better prepare your britches for this one... we're gonna play a real life session of the hit game Danganronpa!"

Danganronpa? That name sounded quite familiar... and in a few seconds, my heart sank as I realized the exact game Fan had just mentioned. That's when Apple eagerly raised her hand, a little puzzled.

"Hey Fan! What does Danganronpa mean?"

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