Epilogue - 1

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Only four of us had made it out

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Only four of us had made it out. I was busy fighting for my own life, so I hadn't realized anything that was going on until the very end, when I was already in the purgatory mansion. I'd woken up with a horrible stomachache, and my throat felt extremely scratchy. The fact that I survived was a miracle in itself though, so I couldn't really complain a lot about it.

As for the rest of them? Apple found out Marshmallow was also missing, but at least got to be with one of her girlfriends again. She gave Bomb and Bow formal introductions to each other, and Bow gave Bomb her seal of approval for his efforts to educate Apple. The seal was a Dole fruit sticker.

Bomb also started up a garden outside, though he had a lot less than what he'd built at the hotel, he's seemed a lot happier teaching everyone else about the kinds of flora around where we now lived, and how to care for them all. To see him genuinely smiling and cracking dad jokes felt weird, but welcome. Paper told me Bomb had always been a goofball at heart, and I kinda felt inclined to believe him with how often Bomb got to talking now.

Paper and I? We had a bit of a moment when he thought I had died, but he's been great. All of them have been great. I even got to meet a third alter named Kel- they seemed nice! They made me soup, read me some books we'd found in the mansion's library, and even offered to cuddle with me a few times. They didn't see it as anything special, but whenever Paper would switch back in, he certainly got embarrassed. One time, they'd passed out while leaning against my shoulder during game night, but Paper must've woken up because he started SHRIEKING. I was more alarmed that someone had hurt him, but it's a memory I often bring up to make him blush... I love it when he gets red. It's cute.

We don't have any sort of labels, we don't see much point in it right now since we've only been out here for a week, but I can confidently say we're basically dating. I had never expected this to happen with him of all people, but it was a welcome surprise.

(Note from Paper: Aww, but also >:/)

Paper's not very social otherwise, though. He and Bomb seem to get along really well, what with being Oj's past lovers and all, but even then they seemed to have a good friend history before all that started. They talk about the stuff they used to do back when season two started, all the pranks they'd play, the things they worked on together, and Paper's begun to take an interest in crafts after Bomb suggested it! His favorite thing to make has to be origami cranes, because he often leaves them on everyone's nightstands when we're not in our rooms. You open it up and there's a good chance he put a glitter glue heart on the inside.

And me? Solo? I've just been floating around. I talk to Apple about the game every now and again, often with Bow listening in and gasping loudly when we mention someone dying. Bow and I have yet to talk one on one, but I'm good with that. I think of Bot when I see her for whatever reason. Bomb and I make breakfast for everyone pretty often and have nice, casual conversations. Usually about our days, our plans, and anything else that comes to mind. And in the meantime, I've been finishing this up. I tried to keep track of everything we'd been through, even asking a couple people to give their own perspectives, and I've been trying to write it like a story.

I hope it was ok, but now the story's out of my hands. I got my happy ending, but a couple people haven't yet... I managed to text him the draft just before we lost all contact, so I hope you'll hear him out.

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