Vengeance Unserved - 1

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Mini A/N before we start: this chapter is a lot more violent than the last. The events are about the killings, so skip those if you need to. Just keep this all in mind!

Chapter 5
Status: Beginning

"I don't think any of this is legal, man

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"I don't think any of this is legal, man."

By the time the two of us had started actually talking, Blueberry and I were lying together. He had rested his head against my chest, and I twirled the ends of his hair in my fingers... now that I describe it, it does kinda sound like we're a couple.

Though, I don't think either of us even thought anything of it. Blueberry didn't blush or look hesitant... he must've gotten over all that stuff.

In hindsight, we did this sort of thing almost every night after we became friends on the island. I'd probably develop those sorts of feelings too if I could.

All of this sucked, but cuddling with Blue again made me feel like I wasn't even in the hotel anymore. Though, the ceiling wasn't quite as nice to stare at as the stars in the sky usually were.

As I sighed, I tried to keep talking for a little bit longer. "I guess it doesn't really matter what it is. It's all unethical and terrible, but they don't care. Hell- they nearly killed Nickel with the drones outside!"

"Nickel? I thought Balloon's thing was just his projection."

Ah... Fuck.

My eyes had widened as soon as I realized what I'd just revealed, and in my endless wisdom, I just spilled all the beans.

"Nickel's outside. That projection was just a projection- but he's found the hotel and he's trying to get us out. I saw him before Base... god- he's never gonna get out of my head."

"You and Baseball were a real cute couple."

"Oh shut up." I nudged Blueberry's shoulder a little bit as he laughed. "Anyway, I saw him before that happened, he told me he was trying to figure things out, but there's a force field that keeps us in or around the hotel, and drones flying all around shooting at people. Nickel's not sure what to do. I think? I wouldn't know... I can't even remember if he has anyone with him."

I only let him know that much- anymore and he'd probably try to be the hero and get out... which would definitely end in his death. He's cool, but not the most careful or thoughtful person around.

"You didn't tell me that," Blueberry mumbled. "I kinda figured you would tell me stuff that mattered."

"I didn't think it mattered. I- I don't know. Nickel of all people? Alone? He's not gonna be able to get us out when he's fighting an army, a shield, some weird Steve guy, AND Fan. Remember when Fan hit you just once the other day?"

Blueberry stayed quiet for a while before nodding. "Fair point. But- whatever happens, I'm gonna try and be there for you."

"I'm gonna try to be there for you, too." I wrapped an arm around his shoulders to hold Blueberry close to me, and my eyes grew a little heavier. " you still... y'know?"

"I don't know." His eyes closed as his usually tensed up muscles relaxed. "Maybe not so much. You're my friend..." A soft yawn interrupted him. "That's starting to be all I want anymore. I don't care all that much."

"I... I guess I just wanted to ask because I think I've been..." I paused, hesitant, but then heard a quiet snore. Blueberry had fallen asleep, but I couldn't help feeling a little sour about it. Laying here with Blue, I felt different, but comfortable.

I could feel my mind drifting off to better times- even the better times in here. The brief friendships I had with people, the trust I'd built, the laughs and tears I shared with them... but I felt like I was missing someone in particular. Not missing in a grief way, but in a hard to recall sort of way. There was one person that made me feel... different.

"Blueberry? You there?" I tapped his back to wake him up.

His eyes opened up just a sliver, but they drifted up towards me. "Mm... I'm... I'm here."

"If I felt like I was into somebody, would that make me not aromantic anymore? I- I've never felt a connection with somebody before, and I don't even think I'm feeling it the right way, but... there was somebody- I can't even remember who anymore- and- they made me feel safe without even knowing them. And when I did know them, it was even nicer. Like- I wanted to keep being with them and hold them and...I guess be with them?"

Blueberry listened to me, and when I stopped talking, he shrugged. "I don't know. Isn't it a spectrum or something? Maybe you're still aro but there's just one person."

The longer I stared at the ceiling, the more I felt weird about this. Blueberry moved up from the bed to look at me.

"Why do you ask anyway?"

"I don't know," I mumbled, "I genuinely have no idea. I've never felt the way I have lately in my entire life."

A bit of silence fell between us, before Blueberry laid back down. "Is it me?"

"I..." I paused to look at Blue. "I don't think. But- I don't know if I should do anything about how I'm feeling. It's- it's too soon and I don't know if I really feel the way I think I do. Maybe I'm just sick or something. And- And I want us to get out of here before anything." I felt my stomach bubble up with guilt and anxiety, and I guess Blueberry noticed, because he shuffled closer to me.

"Don't worry. I won't think too hard about it until after we get out, ok? Besides, I have no clue if your mystery lover is even alive." I nodded, and rubbed little circles on his back.

"Yeah- right. Thanks for listening to me, Blue. I've just felt like shit- but I think a regular, dumb conversation like this helps."

"It wasn't dumb. Just try to relax. Don't let it get you too down, ok?... now, I'm gonna pass out."

"Alright. Goodnight, Blue."

The room got quiet again, and as I listened to Blueberry's soft snoring, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. As I drifted off to sleep, I could feel my eyesight glitching.

Wait, glitching?

My head began to suddenly hurt like hell, but I stayed still and shut my eyes as tightly as possible, gripping onto my head to try and make it go away. What the fuck?


What was going on?

Why did it hurt so badly??

But then my vision went straight to blackness, before waking up in a whole new body.

Could I just get like- one break around here? Just one?

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