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That person was Apple, surprisingly. Her body was practically trembling, but it looked more like energetic shaking than fearful.

"Lifering! Hi there!! I needed somebody to talk to- I've been bored out of my mind for the past... three minutes!" I could see her bouncing back and forth on her feet.

"Are you ok?" I pointed to her legs bouncing, which made her scoff loudly.

"I'm fine- I just had coffee so I could stay up and now I'm really hyper! What are you doing up? I'm learning how to read! Or- I was! But Bow's been bugging me all day!"

That was a lot to unpack, and follow, honestly. Isn't Bow dead?... who's teaching Apple to read again? And why did she decide to do all this tonight? My mind went back and forth like a game of pong for a couple seconds before I said anything.

"...Bow? The dead one?"

"Yes! Fan made her haunt me again- she nearly ruined my relationship with my girlfriend by possessing me years ago! Now she just is mean. She's been whispering to me telling me to give up, and that I'm stupid. But Bomb and Oj don't think I'm stupid. Marshy doesn't either, but she's not here. I'm glad she's not- when I get out of here, I'll know that she's ok! That means more to me than anything!"

"...uh- are Bomb and Oj teaching you to read...together?"

"Bomb is! He and I made a deal when Pickle got gutted like a little fish. I told him that I was scared of asking anyone else because they'd think I'm dumber than they already thought- and I asked him because people think he's dumb for no reason, too! I've already learned how to sound out a few things to make the words!"

Oh god. Too much. Way too much. I couldn't even begin to think before she just went back to rambling.

"Oj's only with us because he's stuck to Bomb and stuff, so we've been in his office! He finished paperwork, and we all read a book about a mouse getting way too many things! That mouse was a real brat, y'know! I can read the whole thing though! Bomb was super impressed with how fast I got it down- and he says I'll be a master in no time at all! Do you think I'll be a master at reading?"

"I don't know-"

"I guess that's a good answer! Bomb and Oj are arguing in the office and Oj asked me to leave before they started arguing so now I'm out here waiting for them to stop so I can read another book! I'm really excited!"


"...oh! Sorry- did I get carried away again? It's the coffee, I promise. I'm not usually this fast!"

"It's- it's fine. Why are they arguing?"

"Bomb's upset because Oj's worst nightmare is about him. He's been refusing to acknowledge Oj since, and Oj finally kicked me out because he wanted to talk to him about it privately, I guess! I didn't go and listen cause it's not my problem and it's not yours either!" She looked down the hall for a moment, then back up at me. "We should go do something!"

"Like what?"

" maybe we could go out to Bomb's garden for a bit? It's not technically his, but he takes care of it the most."

"What would we do there, though?" Apple put a hand on her hip and squinted, as if looking past me.

"Mmmmm...I don't know! Maybe we can see if Bomb and Oj are done fighting, since you're such a little thinker now!" I didn't intend to offend her with what I said- I just didn't want to go very far because it was the middle of the night. Apple's not a great bodyguard, and the hotel was clearly unsafe at the time. The two of us knew where Oj's office was, so we walked next to each other to get to it. "What if they're still going at it though?"

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