44 2 0

Hour Twenty-Five
10:53 A.M.
Water Height: 75 inches

What a couple of dickheads... I couldn't believe that! I wasn't trying to be rude, and Trophy acted like I had killed his entire fucking family. And Tissues has NO right to call ME gross. Absolutely fucking ridiculous!

I trudged through the dry hallway on the third floor, and heard a distant voice. It came from the nurse's station- mostly where everyone's medication and the first aid kit were. What do I have to lose anyway? I went over and opened the door, to see a whole group of people!

Lifering was standing next to Blueberry with an open first aid kit in his hands, having Blueberry pick up certain things while he explained what they were for. The group watching consisted of Oj, Candle, Apple, Paper, and Knife. I came in just in time for Lifering to close the first aid kit, but he nodded to acknowledge me at least. I moved over to Knife and pretended I'd been there the entire time.

"Now that we know what to do with all those- let's talk about something else that's VERY important- CPR!"

Knife snickered. "Like the sex song?"

Lifering was going to answer, but then suddenly stopped, fully realizing what Knife had just asked. Knife and I snickered as his face began to flush a deep red, and his arms crossed.

"N-No- not the song," he muttered, "BUT you can use that song to keep time for real CPR! Now, a lot of people think that CPR is basically making out with someone by breathing into their mouth a bunch. That isn't really the go to anymore- and I would suggest you don't do that right away! Please." Lifering cleared his throat awkwardly, his gaze shifting to Blueberry. Blueberry didn't say anything. "Now, I've taught BB over here the importance of knowing how to perform CPR, but there's some steps you should take before immediately going for it! Does anyone know the first step?"

Nobody answered, but Lifering looked behind me with a wide grin, pointing to whoever it was. I then learned it was Oj, because his voice came out. "Check for safety?"

"Basically! Good job, Oj!" Lifering gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up. "When someone is on the ground, or has just collapsed in front of you, you should check the surrounding area for safety, develop a first impression of the situation, and get any protective equipment for yourself if you deem it necessary. Now, the second step is VERY important! What is it? Oj can't answer anymore, I want engagement, people!"

There was fifteen seconds of silence. I looked at Knife, he shrugged at me, and I turned back to Lifering. Poor guy looked about ready to give up, even if he was pretending to smile and look excited for this lesson. He's probably taught it a million times, too.

"...Ok, so our second step is to check if the person in question has any life threatening injuries, is breathing, or is responsive. The way you can check is by tapping them, shouting and asking if they are ok, and repeating this once or twice. If they are not breathing, or are only making shallow gasps, call the emergency number immediately, or ask someone else to do it for you, and stay with that person! Someone should stay with the victim in question at all times."

Lifering put a hand on his hip, nodding to Blueberry. He nodded back and pulled a dummy out of the emergency cabinets, placing it on the floor, facing up. "Ok, so here is our poor victim! I've checked their breathing and it's not good... Blueberry has called emergency services, and now I'm going to kneel beside the individual." As he described the process, he copied whatever he was saying, already on his knees and tightening up his ponytail.

"Now, make sure they're on their back, and on a flat surface while you do CPR. If they begin to vomit or cough anything up, immediately tilt them onto their side! They can choke on their vomit and sustain burns to their skin, because vomit is really just stomach acid and half digested food. It's very gross, but you gotta do it if you wanna save their life!"

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