BIL - 4

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The rest of that particular day was largely uneventful. Bomb came back, we talked about self care habits we needed to work on as I ate my next meal of applesauce, Apple came in and Bomb and I helped her learn to read everybody's names, and then we went to bed. Apple slept in a sleeping bag on the floor because she said her room was far too big to not intimidate her. She didn't like the hotel very much in general, but at least rooming with us helped.

And as soon as I woke up, yawning and trying to get my vision to clear, I heard some faint bickering outside the room. Bomb and Apple were still asleep, so I got up just to listen by the door.

"You know, if you think my life is SO easy then why don't you consider living with my parents for a day?! Or any of my siblings even! You'll go just as crazy as I did!"

"Babe, look, I'm not saying your life is easy, I'm just saying that I think the situation is too complicated for you."

"Oh, do you think I'm stupid now? Is that it?!"

"No. Trophy, listen-"

"No- y'know what?! I don't wanna listen to you right now! You've been acting so entitled, and like everything is normal! Do you have any idea what I'm going through right now?!"

"I told you that I don't. I hope I never fully experience it- but you need to stop freaking out over this."

"But what if you die?! What am I gonna do then?! Nobody here thinks I'm anything more than some dickhead!"

"If I die, I'll be a lot happier than being here."


You could just about cut the tension with a knife, and I stood there in shock for a second before Trophy let out a long, shaky breath.

"If- If that's how you feel- then... great. I'm sorry I've been working day and night to save you. Should I stop?"

"Trophy, come on. Don't cry- you know why I'm saying that."

"Oh you just want me to be happy then! Say that what you just said is fine?! Move on with the knowledge that you'd be happier DEAD than with me?!"

"That's not what I meant! You kn-" Tissues was cut off by a sudden coughing fit- one that was loud and very broken up with a lot of mucus. Trophy's breathing was shaky as Tissues coughed his lungs up.

"Oh. You're saying that because of...that."

Tissues eventually stopped coughing, speaking up between short gasps of breath. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you. You know it happens every so often- but without him I can't..."

"I need some time to myself," Trophy hastily choked out as the floorboards began to creak further and further down the hall.

"Trophy- Trophy wait! I'm not- we have time! Just- Trophy where are you going?!" Tissues' lighter steps took off after Trophy's, and I just stood there for a second, but as I turned around I noticed Apple and Bomb were both awake.

Bomb shook his head. "Sssssnnooping isn't cool, ma-m-man. What d-did they say?"

I raised a brow. "Isn't asking snooping in itself, Bomb?"

"I'm n-not cool. Tell me."

"I- I mean- sure. Tissues and Trophy were talking about how hard Trophy's life is or something, and Tissues said he'd be better off dead so Trophy got upset."

"Holy fuck!" Bomb's exclamation was out of thin air, and he faintly flushed. "Sorry- I- I'm just shocked. D-D-Damn... Why d-did they fight in the hhhhall like that?"

"You got me," I said with a huff. "I don't even care. Are we gonna go do anything today?... Am I allowed downstairs?"

Apple giggled to herself. "You're not banned from moving- Bomb's just scared you might get sicker if you push yourself. But you can come with us to go get breakfast! C'mon! We'll probably run into Candle on the way!"

"What about Oj? Bomb- have you visited him lately?" I glanced over toward them, and they nodded.

"Of course. H-He had a shhhort talk with me, a-a-and asked to be alllone for a while. He's n-not in the best shape after Paper...y-y'know." Bomb let out a laugh, but it was more forced than anything else so he tried to immediately switch the topic. "B-But you should come get b-b-breakfast with us. Y-You probably c-an't eat much- but we c-could give you a p-p-protein shake."

"Sounds good to me. Apple, are you... gonna get up?" I had realized she was still lying on the floor, sprawled out a little bit. She rolled onto her stomach for a second before pushing herself off the ground and revealed her white onesie.

"I'm up! I just didn't wanna interrupt you guys cause I tend to talk a lot. Anyway, Bomb, should I go get Soap's cookbook? Maybe we can find a recipe that you like!"

"Oh!" Bomb's eyes widened slightly, and he pointed off to a closet. "Y-Yeah- pick a recipe! Y-Y-You can read the one offfff for me, ok?"

"Yeah! Alrighty!" Apple scurried off to go get the book in question, and Bomb got up to change into his flannel before standing next to me at the door. He looked me up and down momentarily as he opened up the door for me, and I started to go downstairs without them- I knew I wouldn't be able to stand around for much longer. The cafeteria wasn't all that far from the rooms, so I made it before getting too sore or tired, and sat at a random table.

I looked down at my phone again and waited for Bomb and Apple to come downstairs, but as soon as they came into my vision, someone behind me waved to them and called out.

"Hello little ones! How are we on this fine day?" Bomb and Apple looked visibly upset, and I immediately recognized the person's voice without turning to see them.


Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now