OFDH - 2

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When I woke up the next day, I checked my phone for the time and it said it was around nine in the morning- which was unusually early for me. I figured going back to bed wasn't really worth my time, but then my tv turned on all by itself, showing fucking Fan again, eagerly grinning into his camera.

"Hi everyone! You survived the first day, and I'm very proud of all of you! There wasn't a single fist fight, or even an ATTEMPT of murder! But that's no fun- I want drama and action- and I want it soon because I don't have the attention span to make this killing game last several weeks. I'd just about die! So, come down to the living room and I'll announce something very special! If you don't come, I'll cut off one of your limbs. Ok? Ok. See you guys there!!" The screen shut off, and I couldn't help but glare at my reflection in the blackness of it. It was as if I expected my reflection to be as frustrated as I was and talk to me about it- but... it's not real. Obviously.

I didn't wanna lose any limbs, so I got out of bed and went downstairs, without looking for Bomb or anyone else. They'd be down there if they knew what was good for them. When I reached the living room, I noticed everybody there, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Thank god- nobody's losing limbs today.

And right on cue, a puff of smoke appeared on the couch, to show Fan standing on the back of it, facing the little crowd that had formed.

"Hiiiii!" he mused, waving enthusiastically to all of us. The only person who waved back was the little Blueberry guy. "I'm glad SOMEBODY has a bit of spirit inside them today- jeez guys!... well- anyway- today I'm announcing your first murder motive!" He paused for a bit, then pointed behind me. "Yes, Lifering?"

"Isn't all this that you've done enough of a motive for murder?..."

"No," Fan said simply. "There's enough food and medicine for you all to live here comfortably, and potential self starvation isn't all that fun! I gotta make it exciting, and speed shit up! Pardon my French, Paper." Paper's voice piped up.

"At least you apologized. Nobody apologizes." Fan gave him a thumbs up, and went back to talking.

"Ok, that's enough stalling. With the help of my sponsor, Steve Cobs, I've infiltrated every system in this hotel, including the water! Now, until someone is dead, water will fill the hotel slowly. Every hour, the water level will rise three inches. If you're not fast enough, entire floors will be completely flooded, making you lose out on the kitchen- and therefore your food supply! Along with all your beds and stuff. So, that's all I wanted to say. Get killing everyone!!" And with one more wave, Fan disappeared with his stupid smoke trick.

I at first couldn't have cared less, but then I felt a sudden cold sensation on my feet, and looked down to see the water already there, soaking through my socks. That's the best feeling ever... I looked around at the others, and noticed that Knife was making his way to the kitchen, with a few others. They probably were going to take food upstairs- which was pretty smart. I didn't feel like helping right now though; I went upstairs to go change while a few people went with me.

Welp, here we are. I guess this isn't some stupid joke after all... yippee.

Hour One
9:55 A.M.
Water Height: 3 inches

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