BIL - 8 (Investigation)

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We hadn't gotten much, of course. Microphone went to work trying to clean up the guck and blood, and I tried to remember everything that we had.

I had Paper's keycard, a photograph of the hotel's patrons, all that mess that led to the body, Oj being a mess... and the heroin. Microphone insisted it wasn't heroin, but I didn't believe her just yet.

What could possibly do that much damage to Oj though? As I thought about it, I heard a bunch of people coming downstairs, which meant Fan must've said something about the murder, but just tried to keep my focus on all the stuff I gathered for now...

Maybe Oj forced himself to try and get all that stuff out of his body? Maybe he got really sick? Why would he intentionally ingest something so dangerous?? He clearly couldn't handle his heroin!

That's when it hit me- the pudding. Fan must've put it there for someone to hide the poison in and give to Oj. Right? Was that too big an observation?

It would've been nice to have Oj helping me right now- he's the only one who ever gave a hoot during the trials...

I got up to look at the body again, and I saw the little crowd stood a solid distance away from the door, so I pushed past them and went inside. Bomb was still clutching onto Oj like he would suddenly wake up, and I finally saw his face. He wasn't crying, but he looked... defeated. Once he realized I was here, he slowly set the body back down.

"H-He... had his k-keycard on him. That's p-p-probably how he got in- but he d-d-d-didn't ll-l-oc-c-ock the door." I noticed his stutter got a little bit worse, but I looked to the body again and saw the keycard he just mentioned. I hesitantly got down to look at him closely, and I did see some chocolate on his shirt, along with the fact that his pointer finger was bloody and disgusting. He definitely tried to get the poison out of his system, but he must've stopped.

"Why would he go in here after all that?"

"T-to die alone, maybe. Mmmust've been in-in too much pain t-t-to notice his tr-t-ail." Bomb looked at me, then back at the body before he suddenly stood up. "I- I need time to breathe. Not hhhhere."

"Oh- Ok! Take your time." I nodded to give him the go-ahead, and just as he tried to stumble out of the closet, Fan popped out from behind the corner, scaring poor Bomb half to death. They stood there, shaking like a little leaf as Fan started talking to us.

"Well, here's the thing. Apple- you did it!"

"...I did it?" I glanced at the others, who seemed surprised, but Fan shook his head.

"Guys I don't mean the murder. I mean she found all of the clues, and I'm impatient, so it's time for our fourth class trial! I expect some great things from all of you, and I want everyone to come down the elevator together... we gotta get Lifering though, he's still out cold. Maybe a coma."

The eye roll urge I had gotten was overwhelmingly strong, but I forced myself to not give in as I stood back up and went to follow Fan to the elevator. Everybody went in single file and as I shuffled in I stood beside Bomb, who'd gotten real quiet as he stared off into nothingness... so I reached for his hand. Without even turning or moving around, he noticed my hand on the back of his, and he made sure to grab my hand tightly after a bit of it feeling around. His shoulders went down a tiny bit as he sighed.

The elevator went up to the second floor, Microphone got Lifering and dragged him to the elevator, and we all went right back down to go to the basement.

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