VU - 9 (Execution)

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Now playing:
Paranormal Paranoia! - Candle's Execution

Candle was placed into a circle of purple paint on the floor, and surrounding her were eight vases. She seemed uninterested in them, and sat down on the floor to meditate, but her eyes flew open as soon as she heard growling, and saw white, ghostly spirits crawling outside the vases.

They weren't recognizable, but I could tell they were the past contestants she had treated with callousness and cruelty, because they began to circle around her slowly, stopped only by the purple circle she sat in.

Candle seemed nervous for once, her eyes darting back and forth as she tried her best to concentrate and restore her inner flame. They got faster and faster as they spun around her though, and she shut her eyes tightly as a third, glowing eye on her forehead shone through her hair and made her float above the ground. She seemed more focused than before.

But Fan put a ninth vase down in the circle, and Candle opened her eyes to look at it. Out came a ghost particularly smaller than the others, and it lunged at her, entering through her mouth and possessing her body entirely. She tried to scream, but soon the body was completely taken over, her eyes now glowing blue as it contorted and crawled outside of the circle. As soon as it was out, she was freed from the spirit, but the others began to tear her apart limb from limb.

The screen turned to black before we could see organs or anything too terrible, but her uncharacteristic, agonizing screams filled the trial room before slowly fading away into silence.

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