VU - 10 (Chapter End)

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As soon as the screaming faded out, the full loss of Blueberry hit me.

It hit me harder than anything had yet. While the others went to the elevator, with Microphone cheering about finally being free, Apple stood next to me.

"I'm sorry."

"It's..." I couldn't even get out another word. I didn't even see what was left of him. He had put in so much effort for me, and I never returned it. Now, he's gone. He would've done anything for me, and I couldn't have been bothered to stop thinking about myself.

But I knew that those kinds of thoughts wouldn't be what Blueberry wanted from me. We both knew that it was out of my control that some sick fuck decided to hack into my brain and play me little movies while I lost so much precious time with my friend.

But now it felt like I had nothing. I'd been so fine without him, but now that he was gone... it hurt. Apple leaned against my side and let me sob into my hands, and I could feel her own tears staining my vest as she silently cried with me.

I wasn't even sure what I could say. I don't think she was either, but we both knew we'd just lost someone special.

Eventually, Fan even left the trial room, and the two of us had sat down at my podium, saying nothing but sitting together. I felt a slight warmth on my other side, but it was just one of those weird hunches. Maybe Blue's ghost coming to see me after brutally murdering Candle.

I didn't know anymore. Apple looked at her bracelets, and then mine, before she pulled out a blue bracelet from the front pocket of her overalls and put it on my wrist, just above the other one she'd made for me.

She never got to give him an appreciation bracelet. I knew wearing it would make Blueberry feel better though, so I tightened it to fit me better, and that's when the elevator doors opened.

Neither of us bothered to look, but we saw Bomb come into view and sit down in front of us. He looked a lot better than when Fan had brought him to me, and he turned to Apple.

"...I just w-wanted t-t-t-to tell you that I- I'm glad you're alive. Y-You have a g-great ffffriend." He glanced to me, and I nodded, but couldn't bring myself to smile at the little gesture.

Apple got up. "Turn around."


"Turn around."

Bomb was visibly confused, but I didn't know what to tell him, so he did as he was told. I watched Apple get the green bow out of her pocket, and tie Bomb's hair back up.

"I have great friends. Also, you look homeless with your hair down." When Bomb turned back around, and Apple sat down to hug him, he was overcome with emotion, happily crying with her as they hugged again.

"I never meant to hurt y-you- I ju-j-just wasn't-"

"I've learned that you kinda don't think about that stuff by now. It hurt a lot, and I'm still upset you thought that would be better than talking to me, but if you don't ever do it again, I'll move past it."

"No- I- I would nnnnever! I'll always t-t-talk to you and never l-leave- abandon you! Never- Nevernevernever-"

"Ok! Ok! I believe you- jeez!" The two laughed through their tears, and Apple dragged me into their hug, which Bomb and I both were a little awkward with at first. Bomb didn't seem to mind soon after, though he couldn't really hug me due to his lack of arm, so I hugged the both of them so it could be a full group hug.

Fan said the murdering was over. I didn't know what any of that meant right now, but I let this moment overtake my feelings for now, and I felt better, if only a little bit.

It's not the same as Blueberry. Nothing is never going to be the same without him... but this was good. He wouldn't want me dying even more over him, so I'll try and live instead. I think he'd like that.

Chapter 5
Status: Complete

Chapter 5Status: Complete

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