VU - 8 (Trial)

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We all stood at our podiums, like usual, and Fan started us off, since the room was filled with silence.

"Well, if it helps at all, this is your final murder trial! Next, you'll be finding something extra special, so there's no more killing required after this! And, not only that, but once you guys leave, that's it! No more game, isn't that something to look forward to?"

🎤: So what even happened?

🍎: Blueberry and I got thrown off the rooftop. Bomb got me, but Blueberry let go so I could be rescued in time...

🌊: And that's something we'll never forget. Never. But- regardless of that, the motive. Was it a lie?

🪭: Yeah... It was a ruse! Your worst nightmare is your own self, and if you killed yourself, you'd technically get out without consequences!

🌊: I figured.

🕯️: Well, nobody found much evidence, so let's go over our alibis.

🌊: I wasn't allowed to move since I was under cardiac arrest.

🍎: I was a witness, and a victim. Bomb got stabbed and barely had the strength to save my life.

🎤: Well, I was in my room.

🏆: I was talking to Fan about Tissues, and how I could somehow bring him back.

🕯️: Tissues is dead?

🏆: I don't want to talk about it.

🎤: Well, that might give you a bit of motive though. The sheer grief and anger- you could've just not cared about the thing Fan assigned to us and taken your rage out on anyone you found.

🏆: I probably would usually do that, but I just feel so lost right now. I'm too in my own head for that.

🕯️: Perhaps you blacked out and don't remember any of it.

🏆: But I was with Fan, right?

🪭: I'm not allowed to help during trials. Sorry bestie.

🏆: I fucking hate you.

🌊: Regardless, Microphone and Candle are probably our main suspicions right now. Microphone is strong and capable, perfectly ready to leave, and Candle might have just completely lost it.

🍎: But Microphone wouldn't do that! Right? You- You and I are kinda buddies!

🎤: I wouldn't do that. Lifering- I thought we were cool!

🌊: Being cool doesn't mean I'm gonna let someone get away with murder. Besides...

🕯️: Microphone is a traitor. You all do realize she's been lying to us this entire time, right?

🍎: What?! No- Microphone!

🎤: Candle you know that's a lie! I didn't do anything!

🕯️: You saw Soap murdering Pickle all that time ago, and you let it happen. Not just that, but you assisted her in the cleanup. Did you not?

Microphone's look of shock was practically indescribable, but she tried to plead her case. "Look- it was one time. And- And you've been blackmailing me ever since! You have a creepy ass doll of me for God's sakes! I didn't- I explained everything to Lifering!"

"That's true," I added, "she confessed the entire situation."

Apple huffed. "Why would you keep that a secret? You were an accomplice this whole time? You don't care about us at all then!"

"No!" Microphone started, but she faltered a bit and eventually said nothing.

"Candle, what was your alibi anyway?" I asked. We all turned to her, and she shrugged.

"I was simply tuning in with my inner flame. I was too engrossed with my activity to bother with anyone else. Microphone is a liar, a strong woman, and clearly aggressive."

"But I- but-" Microphone got interrupted by Trophy.

"I don't see why anyone else would do things the way they did. You knew you could probably take on that many people at once anyway."

The trial room got quiet, and Fan smiled. "Well, is that it? We're already done?"

Microphone looked right at me, and I suddenly shouted. "No-! I have something! Candle- when I was having the visions... you said you see everything. Everything we see, right? Wouldn't that include where everyone was at the time?"

"Yes," she replied calmly.

"Wouldn't you have seen Microphone killing three people?"

"And I did."

"You didn't do anything to stop that?"

"...It's me against her. Surely I would lose."

Apple's eyes then widened. "You- YOU! Microphone would've had to have been really fast and smart to have known where Bomb was, and where we were based on nothing! Unless she can stalk three people at once, I think you're a liar!"

"Excuse me?" Candle shook her head. "I have done nothing here, why would I suddenly start being violent now?"

"Because you thought you knew the answer to the motive," I said softly. "You thought you had outplayed everyone- everyone but Apple, who's been helping since Oj died. You needed HER gone, so you probably attacked Bomb to get him out of her protection circle, threw Blueberry off, and then threw Apple off with him. You must've thought they'd both die, but as long as Apple was gone... you'd have gotten rid of the one who would stop you."


Despite the seriousness of the situation, I outwardly laughed at Apple's outburst. Even when she's at her worst, she's ready to help out.

Though, Candle wasn't nearly as amused. She looked to Microphone and narrowed her eyes. "But I know what I saw. I saw Microphone killing them."

"You just let that kinda stuff happen?" Microphone rolled her eyes. "You'd be worse than me. Besides- Lifering was probably right. Apple's been really helpful lately, and you're probably scared that she's gonna get rid of you. Just a shame you're too much of a psychotic whore to keep your mouth shut about your powers."


"I think we're done here," Fan huffed. "I'm over it. I'm tired and I want the last trial to happen already... the voting app is open."

Right. I looked at Microphone and Apple, who both smiled, and I made the very clear choice. A short trial, and maybe not a great way to finish off all these murders, but... they're over.


Trophy: 0
Microphone: 0
Apple: 0
Lifering: 0
Bomb: 0
Candle: 4

Majority says: Candle

Candle is correct! Congratulations!🎊🍾🎉🎈

We all looked to Candle, awaiting some sort of breakdown or fit, but she only sat there with a smile on her face.

"Ah. I suppose I've lost. It is a shame that it has to happen this way... but I don't hate any of you."

Microphone rolled her eyes. "Oh go fuck yourself."

"You will miss me, Microphone. Believe me."

"I won't."

"You will."

Fan pressed a little button by his throne, and just as Candle got dragged away, Microphone waved, getting the final word in.

"I won't miss you for a second! But you have fun girl!"

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