BIL - 9 (Trial)

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I do apologize for the fact that Apple had to write all that

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I do apologize for the fact that Apple had to write all that. She's not a bad writer- but she's not great... but she was also my only viable source for what happened.

As for what I did in that time? Obviously I had been sleeping, because all of that had occurred at midnight. Everything was still quite dark, and my vision still blurred a little bit as I leaned on Microphone for physical support. I had NOT prepared for this to happen at such a horrible time.

Can't someone just commit a murder at a reasonable god damn hour??

Either way, the elevator reached the basement and Fan flicked the lights on while we all went to our respective podiums. It was at this moment I saw Oj's name tag, and my heart sank into my stomach. I looked at Bomb to see his reaction, but his stare was completely empty. He started the trial after everyone sat in awkward silence.

💣: Oj's dead. P-P-Poisoned, I believe.

🍎: Can someone read the data thingy on their phone please?

🎤: Cause of death was ultimately cardiac arrest, though it is confirmed that he suffocated and that helped to cause the arrest.

💣: ...fuck...

🍎: Bomb- it's ok. You can just sit this one-

💣: I- No. I can't j-j-just not try. I c-an do it!

🍎: ...Ok Bomb.

💣: Wh-What would c-cause extreme vomiting, sufffffffocation, AND c-cardiac arrest??

🌊: Well, did anyone find anything that could have been poison?

🍎: Microphone and I found some white powder and spoon in the kitchen! I don't think it's heroin.

🎤: Finally... god damn, Apple!

🍎: Sorry. Anyway, the spoon probably crushed up something into a fine powder... and uh...

🕯️: And what, dear? Use those critical thinking skills of yours, I believe in you.

🍎: THE PUDDING! There was pudding that was brand new in the kitchen!- and Oj had a stain that was the same color of the pudding on his shirt. Someone must've put that powder in the pudding and given it to him!

💣: Wow. That's- rrrreally smart.

🍎: I also found Paper's keycard, and a photo that Oj dropped. I don't think the photo means anything to the trial, but the keycard? Paper's dead, and Oj already has one. It wasn't by the trail either, so I don't know if he was the one who had been carrying it.

🎤: It must've been stolen off of his body, or maybe he left it on his desk like he always did. Pretty easy to take stuff off that desk now that the guardian of it's gone and nobody cared to protect his stuff.

💣: All of thhhh-t-this is great, but this d-doesn't get us any closer to who d-d-did this. And there's n-no other evidence, so-

🌊: Hold your horses pal! I don't think that's right!

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