VU - 6

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It had been lonely ever since Bomb threw me to the side. He must've really not cared about me at all, and the more I got to sit in my room and think about it, the more sad I felt about the whole thing. But there was always the others to keep me company.

The odd one out though was Blueberry. A short person like me, but someone I didn't expect to hang out with. I guess it was kinda because Lifering liked the both of us, so we tried to like each other?

Either way, he and I had made plans to sit on the rooftop and talk again like last time, whether Lifering came or not. He would figure out where we were eventually! And so, after a bit of getting ready, the two of us just went to the rooftop and stood around like normal, resting our arms against the thick and high-rising ledge as we just... hung out.

"Lifering's missing, but I'm pretty sure someone said something about the nurse." Blueberry sighed.

"Again? Wasn't he doing that yesterday?"

"Yeah, but I don't think the health stuff is coming from him though. Something's going on... I think it's Fan."

I thought about what he said and decided he was probably right. Fan sucked. But I didn't want him to get a damper out on our day, so I let that topic die and brought up something a bit lighter.

"Blue, if you could be any kind of flower in the whole world, what would you be?"

"A flower?" He seemed a bit thrown off by the question, but still stopped to think about it. "I don't know that many. I guess- something blue. I like that color if you couldn't tell."

"Ha- no worries, I could. I'd be an apple blossom- like my namesake! I guess I don't put a lot of thought into stuff like that. I'm not- I'm not very smart."

"You told me you couldn't afford schooling, and your parents couldn't either. Do you really think you're going to be a scholar if you got screwed over by the system?"

"Not really. It just sucks feeling stupid all the time... especially when they try to blame my parents- but they didn't do anything wrong." I looked down at my bracelets. "I only ever came to this show to try and win money for them, but I didn't get enough. They- They still talk to me sometimes though! Well- not anymore cause of all this stuff- but they always tell me they love me very much."

"Did you ever tell them you learned to read?"


"Oh right- you- can't. Sorry Apple."

I brushed it off, but the conversation kinda died there. I missed my parents a whole lot- they'd be so happy if they knew I could read...

My thoughts stopped when I heard Blueberry suddenly yelp in pain. I didn't have enough time to look around though because I was hoisted up by my feet, and almost effortlessly tossed over the ledge like a ragdoll.

"WHAT THE!-" I screamed at the top of my lungs as Blueberry got thrown off as well, but I managed to grab ahold of the ledge. Blueberry grabbed my leg, and that meant I couldn't pull myself up.

I didn't even see who did it- the person just left us there to die.

It happened so fast, and all I felt I could do was scream as loudly as possible and try my best to keep my fingers wrapped around the edge.

Blueberry was slipping though, and he mumbled a "sorry" as he dug his fingernails into my thigh, but he still slid down the entire thing before getting a good hold of my foot.

"BLUEBERRY! A- Are you ok?!"

"Apple- what- what the hell- what do we do?! Can you pull us up?!" I tried my hardest to pull, but I wasn't moving. We were too heavy, and I wasn't strong enough.

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt