VU - 3

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As soon as I had come back to my actual consciousness, I was in the nurse's station now, with Candle hovering over me. I still felt clammy and cold like the last time, and she pulled the cot's blanket over me with this weird, purple magic stuff.

As frustrating as it was to think her magic could get us out, I doubt she would've stayed if that were the case. Instead, I looked at what she had in her hands, and saw a little doll.

"Hey," I sat up, but still held onto the blanket to cover me, "what's that thing?"

"Hm?" Candle didn't even turn to look toward me, her eyes narrowed slightly. "My secret keeper." The doll floated out from her arms and into my view, and I nearly gasped aloud.

That was a doll of Microphone. Perfectly stitched- even with Knife's old jacket that she'd started wearing. How long had she had this? I wanted to ask, but she answered before I had that opportunity.

"There are devices implanted into our minds. They've been the reasons we could feel such sickness, get such violently accurate hallucinations... and see other people's memories. You had collapsed in the hallway, muttering about your little boyfriend."

"I- He's not-" she cut me off.

"We all know he is. Regardless, you've been seeing what I saw. With my inner flame, I can fight against the programming... I know everyone's worst secrets, including the fact that my friend here, is a traitor to us. She was willing to let everyone take the fall for her dear friend..." A dark chuckle echoed throughout the room as I only felt more anxious. "It's depressing how desperately you all have changed your morals the second we face true peril. You've relied on that phone for so long that you don't even care what happens to your friends, so long as you don't die without him here."

"B-But..." The doll floated closer to me, and I grabbed ahold of it. "This isn't a voodoo doll or anything, right?"

"I would more consider it a reverse one. It doesn't transfer what I do to it onto her, but whenever she does something, the doll will change to suit her new appearance. This includes the slash on her stomach."

It felt weird lifting up a doll's jacket, especially since this was a real person, but I only slightly lifted it to see a long scar that I swore wasn't there before. What? When did she get hurt? Why wouldn't she say anything to anybody?

"Do you know what happened to her?" I asked with a bit of a wavering voice. There was no response for a moment, and I could feel my head starting to fizz out again. Candle then turned to look at me.

"Nothing of your concern. I am protecting her. She is now my daughter, and I will ensure her safety... I can see you're shifting back to another vision. I hope it bodes well for you, Lifering. Goodbye."

"What? Can't you..." I grabbed onto my head again, pressing as hard as I could and shutting my eyes tightly. "I- can't you help me stop this??"

"It's not my plan to ruin."

"Please- I don't want to go back. I- He's next and I can't stand to watch it!"

"You should've thought of that before you let him die."


"You asked for this."

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now