OFDH - 6 (Trial)

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As soon as the elevator stopped, the four of us came out of the elevator. I felt a tiny bit better after the slow ride down, so I got to walk over by myself.

The basement's been remodeled, based on the way Oj seemed surprised by the decor! It had this pastel blue wallpaper, not tacky wooden floorboards, and sixteen podiums all set up in a circle. I guess the podiums were all open to whoever, and there were four open and available to us. But none of them were next to each other. Blueberry and I ended up being across the room from one another, Oj was about two podiums away from me, and the last one... Fan stood at it, putting a nameplate that said "Pickle" on it. I looked around at everyone else and Bomb caught my eye.

The poor guy was shaking like a leaf, and his right arm wasn't there anymore- just replaced with this nub. I guess his punishment got dealt already... remind me to never break a rule around here. I looked over at Oj, hoping he was ready. His expression still wasn't changing though, cold, soulless eyes staring ahead of him.

I took a deep breath, and Fan came from a weird swing in the ceiling, gently lowering down to a throne that stood before the podium circle. Just a second ago he was with us though? Should I even be questioning this stuff anymore? Probably not.

Fan kicked his feet back and forth like a toddler, and waited for a moment. Then he cleared his throat, and everyone turned towards him.

"Ok everyone! Here's the fun part- your trial! You'll go over the evidence, alibis, all that stuff, and decide who the killer is. I'll decide when your time is up, and you have to vote, so make the best of whatever time I'm giving you! I'm being very generous, here."

Paper raised his hand, but Fan shook his head at him, making Paper lower his hand.

"Now, begin!" And then, nobody moved, just going into a consistently flowing discussion.

🍊- "Well, Lifering, Blueberry, and I were the only ones who actually looked at the body. The killing wound was stabbing in the throat, we think."

📄- "Why a stab wound? Wouldn't slitting a throat be more effective?"

🌊- "It actually wouldn't! A direct stab wound would puncture the most arteries and veins in one go, and make the victim unable to respond almost immediately. If you had slit their throat, they'd not only feel it as you began, but they'd be able to fight back."

📄- "I don't like how you knew that..."

🌊- "I watched a lot of crime shows as a kid, and I know a lot about the body. I have to."

🫐- "Ok, but this isn't important. He's dead from a stab wound, it doesn't matter how effective it was. Let's talk about how conveniently Bomb was to come to Pickle's rescue that day."

🍊- "What do you mean."

🫐- "When Pickle fell and hit his head. We all heard about it hours after it happened, but Bomb noticed in seconds? Where did he come from?"

💣- "I-I- I w-w-w-w-"

🫐- "Say it already."

🍊- "Let him talk if you want him to say something, dickhead."

💣- "I- I was l-l-listening to the staff meeting from the lounge. I-I-I- I do that every week. P-Put a glass cup to the wall and hhhhhear in on the drama. When P-Pickle fell, he was just a few feet a-away from me, and I saw him from the entrance."

🏆- "I was with Bomb when he was eavesdropping- I can confirm that one. Tissues was too. We didn't help because it was Pickle."

🦠- "Mhm."

🫐- "Ok, then let's go over how only Soap or Oj could've come into the room at any time, but nobody else. Oj said they were the only people who had keycards to unlock the door, and he was in with Pickle all night."

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