Apple's Testimony

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"Now that I think about it- what's there to tell you guys anyway?" Apple asked. "I wasn't involved in anything but the very last murder, and that was because Candle had tried to kill me."

"Just give us your alibi for every case," I said gently. "We can ask further questions if anything sounds wrong."

"Rrrright..." Apple paused, trying her best to recall everything before getting it all out. "The first one- I think I was just in bed. And then the second one, Bomb and I were hanging out with Oj. The third one I was like- super sick. Not dying, but I felt AWFUL. Bomb sat down with me and gave me some ice water while Pepper went to try and whack you. Then the fourth one, I was also asleep. I don't remember hearing Oj knock on the door... all I do remember is Bomb staring at himself in the mirror like always before I went to investigate who had died, cause Fan told me."

"Wait-" I interrupted her, "why did Fan tell you that?"

"I called his name and asked what the motive was- he said someone was already dead, so there wasn't a point for a new motive. Is that all you wanna ask?" I didn't respond, which made her nod. "Kay. I thought so. The fifth one I was thrown off the ledge with Blueberry. He grabbed me to not fall, and he gave me all these scratches..." Apple lifted her leg up, onto the table, and pulled down her socks to reveal swelled up, scabby scratches that looked like the work of a rabid animal more than my old friend, but I didn't try to think too hard about it, or look at her thigh for long. "And then he let go. He said Lifering and I always figure things out, and he knew we could do it. I felt so horrible. I still feel horrible- but it's a little less painful now knowing that I'm not completely alone."

Apple's eyes drifted over to Bomb, who smiled and nodded. "I- I- I'm glad you know I'll b-b-be heeeere for you."

But everyone suddenly got quiet. Was that it? The entire testimony? I couldn't think of anything necessarily wrong with it, and Microphone and Trophy weren't talking either. As little as Apple may have had to lose- I couldn't see any reason as to why she would be the traitor. Not right now anyway.

After a few seconds, everyone turned to look at me, the last person to tell their testimony, and I felt a sudden surge of anxiety coursing through my veins.

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