TTM - 6 (Hardly a Trial)

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I didn't know what was going on during the investigation... and I really didn't want to know this time around. I couldn't understand anything anymore. Everything felt so stupid and pointless anymore, all I wanted to do was sit there and maybe rot a little faster than I had been.

And my door opened up. I didn't even see who it was before they'd hugged me. "Lifering- I'm so glad you're alive!" The voice was deep, but it sounded a lot lighter than before- I knew it was Blueberry regardless. He sounded a bit more human, and less like a monotone text to speech bot. It was nice... and it was nice to have someone actually check on me.

I didn't say anything, because I physically couldn't anymore, but Blue didn't even seem to mind. "We didn't even last a day- and when everyone was talking about you being covered in blood I thought it was over- I- are you ok? Are you hurt?...physically?" I shook my head. "Thank god! I'm so sorry about what happened. And I'm sorry this is even happening. Just know that I'm here for you, ok?"

I nodded, but before I knew it, Fan returned. "Hey you two. It's...trial time. You wanna go down?"

Blue looked at me for a second, and I got out of his hug to stand up on my shaky legs. Blueberry helped me stay standing, and Fan shrugged. "I mean- I would've let you have a free pass tonight, but alright! Come on."

We got to the elevator, and everyone else was there too. I could see Bomb silently crying in the corner, playing with the flower clip he'd taken out of his hair, and a few others looking disturbed and generally upset. They had a trial to get through though... and I wasn't gonna help. Not that I say much anyway.

The elevator reached the basement, we got to our places, and Oj started us off.

🍊: We have almost no evidence.

🫐: What?

🍊: The bodies were in Baseball's room, Lifering was clutching onto Baseball's dead body, and I only found a bat. That bat doesn't explain how Baseball got all of his stab wounds reopened, how he got stabbed five more times, or how Pepper got shot in the stomach.

🫐: Shot. Like- with a gun?

🍊: I don't know how that even happens! There wasn't a gun! Nobody even has one! So- all we have is a metal bat!

🎤: Oh- Bomb and I were looking at the bat earlier. It had some sharp edges on the end of the handle- so that's probably how Baseball got stabbed.

🍊: How did someone shoot Pepper though?

🍎: Maybe the shooter left the scene early?

🍊: But nobody that lived here before had a gun.

Everyone stopped talking, and Oj turned to look at me. I still couldn't manage any words, but Blueberry scoffed.

🫐: You really think Lifering, me, or Candle would just come here with a gun.

🍊: I don't know anymore, Blue. Baseball got stabbed to death, and Pepper got shot. Lifering was the only one with them-

🫐: I said the same thing about Bomb and none of you believed me!

🍊: I had genuine reason to have a suspect besides Bomb, though. This case has NOTHING against anybody else but Lifering... unless- Lifering only killed Pepper out of an effort to save Baseball?

🫐: Are you fucking serious. You're accusing him? He can't even defend himself- his voice is gone! You don't know what he saw!

🍊: If Lifering wants to prove me wrong, then he can! But does anybody else think I'm off here??

I shifted at my spot a bit while the others said nothing... nobody except Bomb.

💣: This d-doesn't make sense. I ssssaw Lifering had a b-bruise on the back of his head- ab-bove his neck. He couldn't been knocked out before the mmmmurders even happened.

🍊: But... where does that get us? Did they kill each other? Who had the gun?! Nobody's thinking about the fact that we have a GUN in this hotel?!

🏆: None of this makes any fucking sense. And I have a funny feeling we aren't getting anywhere with this, so why don't we just vote for see who's the majority? Not like we're gonna come up with an answer anyway, this is all just a stupid fucking ploy.

🍊: But- that's not-

Fan cleared his throat. "Well- this trial is kind of impossible to decipher. It doesn't matter what you guys say- the conclusion is basically impossible to even find. And I'm bored of this one already! Trophy's idea's smart enough. You all just go with your gut, ok?"

Oj stammered, but then slammed his hand on the podium. "NO! That's stupid- why would any of us do something like that?!" The voting app on our phones unlocked, and I could see the faces already. The trial must've lasted ten minutes at the max... but before I could click a person, I heard someone taking off, and Oj screaming. "PAPER?! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?!"

Fan raised a brow as everyone else raced after him except a few people, including me. The tv came down from the ceiling to show the cameras, and it soon led to the rooftop camera. Paper ran up to the roof, looked behind him at the others catching up. He hopped up onto the ledge, looked at Oj as he got to the roof, and leaned his body backwards. He fell as Oj got to the ledge, his hand reaching off the side as we all heard the slam of a door- probably from Paper landing in the dumpster. And just like that- we lost him.

I couldn't even register what was going on, and once the tv came back up, Fan put on a little earpiece, turning it on to play an announcement throughout the hotel.

"Sorry guys- this trial was a disaster because of me, but Paper's killed himself so I'll just say it now! Pepper killed Baseball, and I killed Pepper!"

Bomb, who had stayed behind, stared blankly for a second. "What?- YOU WHAT?!"

"Yeah... Pepper had knocked Lifering unconscious to kill him, but Baseball stopped her. They fought, he got stabbed, and I came to talk with Pepper about killing Lifering. She tried to stab me instead, sooooo... I shot her! Very anti climactic, I know. But, since I broke my own rule, I would've let you all live no matter who you chose. I would've executed the person you voted, so consider yourself lucky, Lifering! You were probably next! Anyway, that was my bad. You guys all win on a technicality! Go on upstairs, and congratulations!"

I stared at Fan for a few seconds, completely dumbfounded, and fell right onto the floor.

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