VU - 7

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By the time I got down the stairs by myself, and got onto the third floor, everyone else had been down there, talking about Bomb and asking each other what was going on, but they soon saw me.

All they could do was stare at my bloody leg and torn up sock, or my red, watery eyes as I still felt myself trembling. It felt even more lonely than if I had just been on the rooftop by myself...

All I could do was imagine my girlfriends. Bow would make a joke, probably, but Marshmallow would've run to me and hugged me tight.

"Apple! What happened?! Are you ok??" She would put her hand on my cheek to wipe away my tears, and almost cry just seeing me like this. Her voice would be softer than usual, and her panic would subside just to make me feel better. "Apple... I'm so glad you're here. I love you."

I missed her so much. I just wanted Marshmallow to hug me... give me some compassion again.

But she wasn't there. I had no idea where she was, or even if she was alive. So, through my tears, I walked past the group and went to the nurse's station to see Bomb.

Lifering was standing over Bomb with Fan watching, and after a few seconds I realized he was stitching the wounds closed after he was cleaned off. They did seem too deep to heal normally anyway. Though- how did he know how to do that...?

I didn't think about it too hard. Lifering finished up and let Fan take care of the bandaging, but when he saw me, he audibly sighed with relief and hugged me.

"Lifering- he's... I'm so sorry..."

"Sh..." Lifering was clearly fighting back his own tears as he held onto me. "It's ok. It's ok- I heard. I'm glad you got out at least."

"I didn't mean for this to happen..."

"Of course not. We're gonna figure this out. It'll be ok." I was so scared he would yell, but when he hugged me, all I could do was hug him back. I was alive. That's all I can ask for now, right?

I didn't want to think this was possible, but my best friend was gone

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I didn't want to think this was possible, but my best friend was gone. All that time I'd been ignoring him really didn't help either. But everyone knew what happened, and we were supposed to be investigating. As much as I had wanted to, I felt like looking at his body would just make it all worse.

So instead, Apple and I tried to figure out who tried to kill Bomb, because maybe that would help us get to our killer.

I had seen him before my heart attack, and I was barely recovered, but it couldn't have happened long after Fan made me lay down to try and fix it.

I don't know what he even did. Not that it matters.

Apple and I looked around the best we could, but all we found was a lot of blood and a perfectly clean knife sat at the counter. We couldn't make sure if it was the weapon or not, so we had nothing to go off of there.

The two of us sat in the lobby for a while instead to talk. Apple was pale, still very much upset, and I couldn't blame her. So I tried to open it up gently.

"I know you didn't see, but- did they say anything at all?"

"Not that I could hear," Apple mumbled, "I was screaming too much to notice."

"...Who do you think would think you're their worst nightmare?"

"I think it was a random guess. Maybe they wanted to kill three people at once and get better odds somehow?"

And this woman claims she's stupid. I would've never thought about making multiple guesses to get out. But, nobody was missing... the motive was a lie, surprise. Or they were wrong. Either way, I nodded.

"Blueberry, you, and Bomb. What would you three have in common?..."

"We- Uhm... were depressed?"

"Yeah I don't know about that one."

Our investigation wasn't long, or fruitful, because Fan soon made an announcement for us to go to the basement. Once the two of us got off the couch, she sighed.

"Bomb seemed really sorry..."

"Well- forgiving him is up to you. He did you wrong, but if you wanna move past it then that's fine. Either way, I'm still glad you're here, ok?"

"...Thank you." She grabbed ahold of my hand and we went to he elevator, which already held everyone in it except Bomb, and we made our way down.

The joy of trial.

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now