VU - ???

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It was beautiful outside. I only knew because I had tried to get out through one of the windows earlier, but Fan had stopped me and let me stare at the view instead. He told me it was rude to escape when he'd put in so much thought and effort into the game.

I told him that this game was stupid and pointless, but he didn't even care and just left me to my own devices... something he shouldn't have done. I was stuck in a storage room on the fourth floor, with only Microphone sleeping on a mattress on the floor next to mine. All my stuff was either missing, or completely ruined.

I remember pacing back and forth, angrily looking for a way out, but Microphone woke up and must've noticed my panic, because she chuckled quietly.

"Soap, c'mon. It's gonna be alright, just settle down."

"No, it's not," I huffed. "That loser stuck me in a situation I don't want to be in! What if you..." I froze up at the thought.

"What if I?"

"Oh my god- nobody would want to hurt you, right?"

"No- of course not! Nobody's gonna kill anybody!"

That didn't help me feel better. Some people were terribly selfish. Traitors, slobs, flat out jerks, and all the like. I could feel every part of my body shaking as sweat began to roll down my forehead, and I just turned back to Microphone.

"I need some air," I said. She seemed understanding enough, giving me nothing more than a nod as I rushed out into the hallway. My breathing felt rapid and heavy as I gripped onto my chest tightly. What could I do? We'd all certainly drown soon, right? Maybe I could go warn the pair of dopes downstairs to get up before it's too late...

So that's exactly what I did. As I got into the hallway, I saw where Pickle must've fallen, still fresh with blood and broken glass from a picture frame above the table. I picked up all the glass pieces, slid my keycard to get into the nurse's station, and opened the door to see Pickle asleep.

I could've sworn Bomb was in with him, but shook it off as I approached Pickle. He looked peaceful enough, groaning and clearly in pain as he turned onto his side... I don't know what I was thinking.

I don't think I was thinking at all.

I moved Pickle's head up a little bit as one of my hands grabbed ahold of the shard of glass in my pocket. My grip was tight as ever, but as soon as I had pulled it out, Pickle woke up.

"Huh...? Soap? Are you ok?" I looked into his eyes for a moment, and then down at his throat as I plunged the glass into it. He tried to scream, but all I could hear was a loud gurgle as he began to choke on his own blood, and I quickly pulled him onto the floor to prevent staining anymore of the ceiling and walls. He fell into a bit of water, and writhed about for what felt like hours before finally stopping. One bloody bubble popped up from the water, and I knew his oxygen had been spent.

As soon as I sat his body back up to clean it off, the door opened up since I forgot to lock it. Microphone had followed me, and now got to see the result of some very hasty decisions on my part.

"...Wha...What the fuck- Soap- S-Soap..." She seemed visibly ready to cry, as she stood in the doorway. "What- Why?! What the hell are you-"

"Help me," I said in a quick, hushed tone.

"Help you?! You just-"

"Either help me or go back upstairs."

Microphone paused, staring at the body before shuddering from disgust. "W-What the hell do I even do?"

"Wipe the blood off the walls. I'll handle the body." She hesitated for a long time, but nodded, and the two of us got to work. She wiped off the walls as asked, and I looked for something to make the wound less obvious... and that's when I noticed a needle and some thread. I grabbed ahold of that and held Pickle's head up so I could fix up his neck wound, and clean him off the best I could.

I worked quickly- even though I knew the odds of someone coming in were slim to none. I couldn't risk it since I'd just made the worst mistake a person could ever make, but I didn't want to lose everything over one stupid decision.

I couldn't.

Pickle's body was clean enough to not look too suspicious, so I threw him back up on the bed for him to dry, and Microphone rung out her washcloth so much that it eventually came clean of any blood at all, instead being filled with water. We walked outside of the room and closed the door, but I couldn't move anymore. Microphone turned to me with a worried look on her face.

"Girl- you're so fucking lucky that I care about you."

"I killed him..."

"I know you did! Look- just don't tell anybody anything, act like you didn't see anything, and it'll be ok. I won't say a word." I looked up at her.

"You- You really promise you won't say anything?"

Microphone didn't respond, but instead hugged me tight. Despite what had just happened, I felt myself relax. I knew she wouldn't tell anybody.

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now