BIL - 10 (Chapter End)

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He didn't have to say that twice- just about everyone ran to the elevator to get out of the situation as soon as they could, but I stopped as Apple went over to Bomb instead, who hadn't moved.

"Hey, I- I'll admit. You did the right thing, Bomb. A pity party and potential lie shouldn't make us forget what happened... Oj didn't deserve to die." Bomb didn't respond to Apple's little speech, and she reached over to try and take him to the elevator, but he flinched and yanked his hand away, finally looking at her with a newfound sense of anxiety.

"No- d-don't. Just go upstairs..."

"Bomb, it's ok. I know it's hard, but I'm here-"

"Don't." Bomb nudged her to try and encourage her to go to the elevator. "Y-You being here is- is the problem." Apple didn't look shocked at all, but she did look horribly saddened, as tears welled up in her eyes.

"B-Bomb? I thought... I thought we were friends." Bomb said nothing, and Apple sniffled. "G-Give me my bow back if you don't want to be my friend anymore."

Without further instruction, Bomb took the bow out of his hair and handed it to Apple, who held back a cry as she gripped it tightly.

"Wha... I thought you-! I thought we could relate to each other- why are you afraid of me now?! What happened- what did I do? Are you upset with me??"

Bomb still said nothing, his lip quivering only slightly as Apple ran off to the elevator, and I ran after her. The elevator had come back down after taking everyone else up, and I saw Bomb just standing at his podium before the doors closed. The second the elevator began to move, Apple broke down, trembling and hardly able to control her volume... and that's when I remembered my bracelet. I took the halves out of my vest pocket and held them in front of her.

"Hey- do you know how to fix these? Candle broke it."

Apple looked at the bracelet, then up at me as she sniffled.

"I- I don't remember. Marshmallow was the one who taught me how to do that... I'm nothing without her... I'm just a- a stupid... a stupid little-"

"Apple! Don't say that! You're getting back to the place Fan wants us to be. I- I don't know what's wrong with Bomb, but if he doesn't come around then you don't need somebody like him in your life anyway. I'll teach you how to read if you need someone still, and I'll keep you company if you need me to! Blue and I could use a third friend anyway now that I'm recovering."

The elevator doors opened up to the first floor, and as we both stepped out, she shook her head.

"I- I'm ok with reading. I just- need to apply my skills and... figure it out. Half the time I don't even know what I'm saying, but I just say it because everybody else does. I'm- I'm gonna figure that out though. I think I should just go upstairs. I need a minute."

I almost wanted to force her to stay with me- people who got upset like this had a habit of suddenly dying later- but I instead nodded and let her walk away. The mess Oj had left behind was now completely gone, and Oj's corpse was too... I sat down on the lobby couch instead of going upstairs, and I could hear Tissues and Trophy a few feet off.

"God- GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Trophy screamed at the top of his lungs, hitting something pretty aggressively while Tissues tried to stop crying.

"Babe- it's not even worth it. I lied to you."

"I don't care. I don't want you to die over something like this!"

"I killed someone!"

"I don't care- I need you! I- you're the only person who's ever given me a chance in this fucking place- what am I gonna do?!"

"Figure it out! I don't know! I tried to warn you- you didn't listen and now here we are! I- I..." Tissues' voice trailed off as he began to cough even more, and Trophy groaned loudly.

"God... whatever- let's just get you to bed. I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep you around, ok? I don't want you giving up on me. I- I know you're a fighter. Maybe it'll be a miracle."


Once it got quiet, I went upstairs too to go to Blueberry's room. I didn't even have to knock, since he had left the door open, and his face lit up as he saw me.

"Hey Lifering," he pat the spot on the bed beside him, and I sat down with him. "Are you ok? Still sick?"

" Just a little bit, but I think I'll be ok." He nodded to my response, but seemed to be wondering what to say next. I laid down on my back to stare up at the ceiling, and tried to start a discussion that we hadn't had on the island before. Something entirely out of left field.

"Do you think this is all legal?"

Chapter 4
Status: Complete

Chapter 4Status: Complete

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