OFDH 7 - (Execution)

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A sticky situation! - Soap's Execution

Soap found herself in what looked like the nurse's station, with Pickle's body laying in bed, and blood all over the place. There was a bucket with a sponge, and some sort of cleaning chemical in it. A voice over the intercom made an announcement to her.

"Clean up the crime scene before they catch you!"

Then, loud footsteps were heard from outside the room, and Soap immediately went to work. She grabbed the sponge and began to scrub off the walls first, moving everything in her way with a great deal of force. She worked as quickly as she possibly could, and was very efficient about conserving the chemical in her bucket. When she was turned around cleaning, the bucket eventually got switched out for a new one. She reached into the bucket to clean off her sponge like normal, but suddenly screamed, pulling her hand out of the bucket.

Her glove and skin had begun to melt away, and she began to tremble more than she already had been. Her sponge was now completely gone, and the footsteps only got louder. There was still blood all over the floor, which was the only part she hadn't begun to scrub, and in a moment of sheer panic, she simply poured the bucket out onto the floor. The blood began to wash off, but also began to destroy everything on the floor, including the items she'd knocked over, cabinets that began to collapse, and Soap's shoes and feet. She tried jumping onto the bed, and then noticed that the blood was completely gone.

The door opened, and Fan looked around the room for a moment, with all the shelves and tables shoved around, floor tiles disintegrating, and stuff from the cabinets and shelves all scattered across the floor.

"Holy moly, this place is a mess! One star!"

In an instant, the floor beneath her fell open like a trapdoor, and she fell straight into a vat of bright green acid. She screamed, but all that came out of her was a distorted gurgle, her body quickly sinking and dissolving away into the liquid.

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