Prologue - 2

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"Well- I'm super glad you asked Apple! Now I have an excuse to actually explain it! Now all of you listen up, ok?"

No- oh my God- NO! This... this can't be happening! Nobody knows what's going on here but me- and I do NOT want to give them all some stupid rundown on how FAN'S managed to kidnap us. I glanced off to the distance, and started towards the front door. But what's my luck? It was locked, and the lock itself was melted- even if I got a paper clip, I'd never be able to get out of this thing! Fan didn't even acknowledge the fact that I just tried to escape either- like this whole thing was completely normal... and he began to explain.

"Danganronpa is a game in which you have to kill in order to survive! I will give you motives because obviously you guys might need a bit of encouragement, but when you kill somebody, you'll be allowed to run free, and you'll have 'graduated' in a sense. Do you guys understand?" Nobody said anything, which I somewhat expected... but Fan wasn't talking anymore, for some reason. I knew the repercussions of killing someone- and yet he wouldn't mention it?

You have to hold trial when someone is murdered. If you're voted out, and you're guilty? You did all that for nothing, because then YOU die, and this keeps going on and on, supposedly until two people are left alive, or the mastermind dies. THOSE survivors get to go home. Or in this case, live in the hotel with doors unlocked.

I wanted to tell them all the full story, I really did. But I couldn't bring myself to speak up- it was a lot to think that a silly video game concept could suddenly spell out the end for my entire life up until this point. I wouldn't worry so much normally- but I'm not seeing MePhone anywhere. He's the only one who can recover us, and I doubt he's gonna be allowed to come in.

Fan seemed frustrated with the silence, rolling his eyes. "Ok, I guess nobody believes that I'm serious. But you'll see eventually. Anyway, I have to assign you guys your ultimate talents now!"

"Ultimate talents," Trophy repeated, one of his eyebrows raised. "What the fuck is that."

Paper screeched. "LANGUAGE, TROPHY!" Fan ignored Paper's outburst and turned to look at Trophy.

"Well, everyone in this killing game has a skill in some department! And I think recognizing you all for that is quite important. So, when I call your name, I'll tell you what I think you're the best at! And ultimate at it, if you will." A clipboard suddenly poofed into Fan's hands after his explanation, and he looked through it for a moment, still grinning from ear to ear. "Apple?"

"Oh! I'm here! A little confused still, but here!"

"That's ok, you'll figure out how it all works soon enough! Anyway, I've always loved the little drawings you make- they're adorable! So, I'm going to call you the ultimate illustrator! Now, let's go to Balloon- cause I don't wanna drag this on."

Balloon was here?? I hadn't even noticed, but when I looked, he was just sitting at a table with Microphone and Soap...huh. He didn't say anything, but waved. I could tell with his expression alone that he was nervous. Fan didn't care though, making a little click with his tongue.

"Ok! So... what are you good at? Cause I have no idea. You kind of...y'know. Suck."

"H-H-Hey!" Bomb suddenly rose his voice, getting in Fan's face and poking him in the chest. "Balloon is good at plenty of th-things! He can write poetry, t-there's that time he beat us all at blackjack, he's a g-great friend-"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not here to sit and try to listen to you of all people, Bomb." Fan tried to push Bomb backwards, though it didn't do a whole lot with Bomb being much bigger than him... and Fan having his little noodle arms. "I guess for now, Balloon's ultimate is unknown. A mystery within our killing game! Isn't that fun?" I looked over to Bomb, and he seemed pretty embarrassed about what had just transpired... he only looked at Balloon, who gave him a little thumbs up.

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