42 2 0

Hour Twenty-Four
9:24 A.M.
Water Height: 72 inches

By the time I'd woken up, I realized two things: the water was on the second floor now, and almost everyone in the hotel was somehow still asleep, given the eerie silence. I wanted to ask Baseball or Bomb to hang out again- but they were probably too comfortable for me to want to ruin their sleep. Instead, I just forced myself out of bed, dressed into some clothes I wouldn't mind getting wet in, and went to the rooftop.

At this rate- we'd be stuck up there, so maybe I could get used to it now. As I took the stairway and opened the door up, the blinding sunlight filled my vision, and I could heard faint voices a couple yards away.

"Did you see that?! I got a picture of it!"

"You did? Good for you, honey. Can I see?"

"Of course man, just let me make sure it didn't come out too blurry."

I could only really recognize one voice, given the sniffles and disgusting accent... Tissues. I put a hand on my forehead to shield my eyes a little bit, and made my way over to Tissues, and Trophy, apparently!

I knew next to nothing about these two- almost more so than everyone else. Trophy was just the resident hot shot, and Tissues was absolutely disgusting. I learned more about them both in the past three days than I have in the decade we've spent living in the same hotel. Hopefully talking to them won't be a hassle. I made my way over and said something from a distance, so I wouldn't scare the shit out of them if I got closer.

"Hey you two! What's going on up here?"

Tissues noticed me first, glancing back in my direction and showing a pale, dead stare. If I hadn't read the MonoPhone earlier, I would've thought he was angry, and not just losing his vision. His eyes began to soften a little bit as he squinted.

"...I just see a lot of green-" he muttered half-angrily- "I hate green. Who are you?"

I paused for a second out of pure shock at how rude this guy was. After that second passed, I tried to respond as normally as one could. "I'm Pickle. We didn't compete together- but- I wanted to meet you guys since we're in the apocalypse and uh- all that stuff. What are you up to?"

Trophy wasn't paying any attention to me, and if he wasn't constantly making his camera do the little clicking noise, I wouldn't have even noticed him. Tissues still seemed less than happy about my presence, but at least he was talking?

"Why do you wear such hideous colors."

"..." What am I supposed to say to that? I mean- Pickle is my name- green is my favorite color- it makes sense, right?? Or does this Tissues guy want all green to be eradicated? It took me a minute to do anything, and all I did even at that point was awkwardly laugh. No words were coming into mind, and Tissues' glare only worsened. I'm just glad it was mostly because he can't see (I think).

Eventually, he turned back to where his body was facing. "Whatever. People have no taste."

"Amen." Trophy finally said something- but it was just one word? And it wasn't even nice! I should've figured- these two weren't exactly angels on the show. Trophy's gaze finally shifted to Tissues, and I could just barely see his face. His blue eyes were practically sparkles, his cheeky smirk showing itself to Tissues, and his blonde, short hair looked soft and wavy in the wind... I ended up staring at him for a while, not even paying attention to what he was saying. No wonder Fan couldn't write him up a description- look at him!

Eventually, Trophy looked right back at me, and I flinched. "Are you here to ogle at me, or what," he asked. I stammered for a moment, and he rolled his eyes. "Oh good- you're just like the rest of them. Tissues, let's just go downstairs, this is making me uncomfortable."

"Oh c'mon mister Horseplay," Tissues whined, "I never get to go outside, and we were having so much fun without this... clown. Don't let them get to you, remember? Real men don't give a shit."

"Fair point. Pickle, you go ahead and scram." Trophy made a shoo gesture at me. "We came up here first, and you're creeping me the hell out."

"I didn't mean-" I started.

"Don't care. Go away." Trophy's gaze got more intense, and I sighed with defeat. No use in fighting them, so I gave up and went downstairs.

I don't know what the hell just happened, but I think they don't like me very much.

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now