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Of all the people to die, it should've been me

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Of all the people to die, it should've been me. I guess with my execution, they fucked up my leg or something at the end of a grueling obstacle course, and the walls now got to slowly close in to crush every part of me.

For whatever reason, the walls stopped out of nowhere, and the lights went out just as well for a moment before turning back on, and an announcement coming on.

"OH YEAH! I FINALLY TURNED OFF THE FUCKIN' POWER! YOU CAN'T KEEP ME DOWN FOREVER! I AM BRISTOL- THE ALMIGHTY FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH!!!! And fuck you, Blueberry. You can strangle people pretty good." The speakers cut out with a loud squeal, but that gave me the impression all our executions weren't going to continue.

Finally. Christ... my leg felt this awkward stinging sensation, but I hardly cared and went to waddle toward the side of my corridor. There was a convenient door over there, and I ran down the hallway and got back into the trial room to see the others. Microphone, Bomb, Apple, Paper?...

Where was Lifering? I kind of gestured at the others to ask the same question, and Apple went pale.

"Oh my god- WHERE'S LIFERING?!"

Way to say what I was sayin'.

In an instant she took off down the hall nobody else had come out of yet, and while we all eventually followed after her, the whole time I was wondering if I should've even bothered. They didn't trust me anyway... and if Lifering was hurt, would I get to help?

His execution room was a pool, go figure, and Lifering was nowhere to be seen. All of the others looked around, completely bewildered as to where he could possibly be in the POOL room, so I took a life circle out from underneath some wet puppet, threw off my jacket and hopped in to check.

Surprise, surprise, he was in the water, sinking further down, and probably unconscious. I only knew how to swim on a pretty basic level, so I had some trouble getting to him, but dragging him out wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought it would be. Maybe because I felt so bad? Probably. I got him out and pulled him up onto the tile floor while everyone but Microphone swarmed his body, taking him further away from the pool.

I got out after a moment to rest on the lifering, but Paper looked at me with narrowed eyes. "You stay away from him," he growled. "He's been through enough- you should just fuck off entirely."

No. What the fuck? I saved his ass and they're gonna act like I'm suddenly the worst thing that's ever happened to them all? Sure I made mistakes, gigantic ones at that, but I never tried to kill anyone; I just saved a life, too! I went over to see how Lifering was holding up anyway, if not to see what they'd do.

Apple had been performing CPR on him, but as soon as Paper saw me hovering over the small crowd, I got my legs swept up from under me, making me land right on my ass.

"I SAID FUCK OFF," he repeated more loudly. I glanced at my legs and realized that they were bleeding... and pretty badly at that. I had left a whole trail and even stained a chunk of the pool. I felt a bit dizzier now that I was just sitting there.

But nobody else even cared. I guess it made sense that they wouldn't. My hands were clammy and I felt cold, but my coat was stolen to swaddle our little baby hero, so I just forced myself up onto my feet, despite all the pain telling me not to, and tried to leave the hotel. I could probably get outside before bleeding out at least, I thought.

I went through the hallway, got to the trial room, and glanced back at Fan's corpse. The blood still reeked, and Blueberry had disappeared, but I looked at Fan's vest and realized it was my best option. I ripped the front off and wrapped it around the part of my leg that was bleeding, pulling the ends tight to make sure the pressure helped it stop. After that? I saw the elevator, but I couldn't get to it like this. I was in too much pain and far too weak anyway to will myself over, not to mention that I was sitting beside the corpse of my friend. I just tried to catch my breath for the time being.

Fan and I weren't friends anymore after he told me he wouldn't let Tissues come outside with me. I thought he had my back, but he would rather have his best friend sit in here and risk dying every day than have him escape safely with the person he loved. I never even treated him like a friend after it all started- he not only ruined that opportunity, but he wasn't acting like himself. He would have never commented on my looks, or called me pet names to piss me off before all this. He was just an anxious guy, trying to be more out there.

I thought I could trust him. He seemed too genuine to be a backstabber like that. And he even abandoned his real wife? His real kid? His friends? He let them all go, but I wasn't allowed to take a plus one? He would rather let SUITCASE go than Tissues? It all just fucking sucked! I wanted to scream at him again, punch him, strangle him a little and get all my anger out, but I couldn't.

He was dead, and his face was a pile of mush beside my feet. It wouldn't feel the same without his reaction. And the others probably did wish I had died, wished I had never come out of my hallway and just laid there instead. Could I even blame them...?

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