AGT - 5 (Chapter End)

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After a while of sitting there, without a single thought crossing my mind, the gang had come out with Lifering in tow, held up by Paper and Bomb together, and as they got up to the elevator, Microphone stopped at the door, waved for them to go, and stood next to me.

"C'mon. We're gonna go to Apple's place." She reached out for me to grab her hand.

I didn't even hear her at the time. She was about to repeat herself, but I just sighed. "Go ahead. I'm gonna end up dead anyway."

"...Trophy." She sat down next to me and quietly gagged. "God- couldn't you brood somewhere else??"

"He WAS my friend."

She gave me this kinda pitiful look and shrugged at me. "I guess he was ok. Even before this shit happened he was such a fucking mess. I mean- I'm sorry about you liking him though. It sucks."

"It does suck," I mumbled. "I just want to live in a world where we're all... normal. No murder, no losing everyone's minds, and all that stupid shit." My voice cracked at the last bit, but I couldn't even muster up enough pride to try and hide my tears anymore. Now that this whole thing had ended, I could finally let myself be. I could let all of my emotions spill out, rather than be poorly contained.

She got quiet about that. I didn't bother to say anything more, but Blueberry felt keen on showing up to make us more miserable... if only it was someone else.

"You guys won y'know. That Paper guy screwed us up for the next few days, and I can't even be bothered," he said with an exasperated look on his face, "but it's about time to get the second cast in, so you need to leave." Mic and I looked at each other for a second before Blueberry groaned, pressing a button on some remote he had in his pocket. A tv slowly crawled down, and revealed a camera system showing multiple hotel rooms filled with contestants that we had assumed were either dead or forever missing. "You know, if you really feel so bad about what you did to everyone..." he gestured to the tv, "... you could opt to replace two of the contestants you see up here with yourselves. The other four are long gone by now, already past the little force field and ready to go to Bow's house. It's up to you guys if you even want to bother catching up."

I could only really bother staring at the tv, and Microphone entirely zoned out as she got lost in her own thoughts. That was when I finally noticed an old friend of mine. One I didn't want in this godforsaken mess... I wanted to leave though. Get some peace and quiet for once. I tried to shut my brain off, and just let myself blurt out the answer that felt right.

"I'll replace Cheesy." Microphone immediately shot me a glare, and all I could really say was "I like the guy."

Microphone looked back up at the tv, then at me, then back at the tv. She looked incredibly nervous, but I put a hand on her shoulder, and she sighed. "You... fuckhead. Fine. I don't want the Cherries to get involved in all this- they're a couple of kids."

Blueberry nodded. "Fine by me. I'll let Cheesy and the Cherries out. We can put them by the mansion for the others to find, but you two don't get anything special from me beyond this. You asked to be in here, and you can figure out how to survive. No assistance or special protection."

He disappeared pretty shortly after that, and Microphone huffed. "I can't fucking believe I just did that."

"...what do you have to lose?" I asked.

"I guess that's fair- but- still." She got up, dusted her jacket off, and pulled me up right with her... although she did have to hold me up onto her shoulder a little bit since my leg was as good as useless. "What happens if we die now? After all that we've been through??"

That was a good question. We survived through everyone else's bullshit. The both of us had been ignorant of most of the drama, actively avoiding the situations that gave the others so much agony and suffering. What would happen if we did all this, and then tried to help the others, just to get nothing in return?

But then it hit me.

"I guess if we die, we'll just see our old friends again. Win-Win."

Chapter 6
Status: Complete

Chapter 6Status: Complete

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