OFDH - 5 (Investigation)

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The first thing I did when Oj left the room, was walk to the sink and look inside. Good thing I did, because I found a damp rag! I did something kinda stupid though, and put it up to my face, breathing in deeply...

Nothing. This was just a rag with water in it. I set it back down in the sink and glanced back at Blueberry, who had taken off the blanket to look over Pickle's entire body.

I called over. "Hey! Did ya find anything?"

"Come here. I don't think I know how to describe this." I got a bit nervous, but walked over and finally saw the body. It looked pretty clean, all things considered, and Pickle was in a t-shirt and some shorts. Blueberry then pointed to his throat, and I winced.

It wasn't slit- but clearly stabbed through. But one thing struck me as odd- the wound was closed, with just a few pieces of haphazard stitching to keep it together. Blue looked at me expectantly, and I tried to get my voice back.

"Uhm- well- yeah. Slitting the throat is... inefficient. You want to stab into it and puncture as much as you can. The blood loss will be slower, but they won't scream as much, and be essentially helpless. The wound seems like it would be from a pretty big knife, nothing you'd use for surgery, and certainly nothing in a place like this."

"Did you find a knife?"

"...No. I only looked in the sink- just found a damp rag. I think it was used for Pickle's head." Blue didn't say anything, so I went back to keep looking around the room.

Considering what happened, the room didn't have anything all that out of place. I couldn't find anything that would be able to make the wound on Pickle, but I did find a needle and thread on one of the shelves on the wall. The thread was still on the needle, so they must've tried to stitch it back up... as badly as they did it.

Blueberry and I looked at each other again, and he shrugged, signaling he couldn't find anything else. But then I realized something that made no sense.



"...Why isn't there any blood?" He paused, looking over the body again.

"I don't know- I didn't even think about that."

"Do we even know if that's what killed him? I mean- it has to be- but..." Blue glanced at the floor, and I realized yet another thing. The water was gone- completely drained. I guess the motive isn't necessary anymore, so Fan got rid of the water. How nice...

"Maybe the blood was poured into the water," he suggested. "Held his body over the water."

"That's a good point, but they'd have to be really strong in order to do that, don't you think?"

"Bomb's pretty strong."

For a second, everything in my mind went blank. Was Blueberry accusing someone already? Bomb IS somewhat strong, but why would he kill Pickle? I didn't know him very well, but they seemed close! That didn't sound right... but... he was the only one watching Pickle.

The door beeped again, and Oj had come back inside, his phone in hand.

"Here's what I got-" he started- "Trophy and Tissues spent the night playing cards and solving jigsaw puzzles in the staff lounge. There's no door to the lounge, and Trophy noticed people walking to the direction of the nurse's station. Soap, Bomb, me, Paper, Lifering, Knife, and Balloon. Bomb isn't able to say anything because he's missing." Oj stopped talking, and I saw a hint of worry in his face that went as soon as it came. "Uh... Soap, Paper and I have key cards to get into any room in the building. Paper's was stuck on his complaint desk, and Soap and I always keep ours in our pockets. I walked over here to check on Bomb around eight P.M."

As he spoke, I sat down on the floor to take a breath. This was all still happening so fast- and I couldn't feel anything except my heartbeat practically slamming against my ribs. It almost felt sore. Blue sat down next to me at some point and pat my back while I breathed, and Oj talked.

"When I came over, I just asked Bomb if he needed anything. He said no, and I saw him messing with a wet washcloth by the sink. Soap said she knocked to check on them, but nobody answered, so she left. Knife did the same, and when I told him Pickle died, he choked up and stormed away from me. Paper knocked and got an answer, but Bomb looked terrible. Paper asked to come in and watch, but Bomb refused and slammed the door in his face, so Paper went to bed. Balloon was just lost, apparently. And Lifering was this morning... so when you found all this. I guess he didn't notice Blueberry."

Blueberry looked at me with a smile. "I'm pretty hard to notice when I'm next to a giant." I chuckled a bit, but I still didn't feel any better. My head had actually begun to spin, and breathing only got harder. I kinda saw Oj looking down at me, but he didn't mention my condition as he stood by Pickle.

"What did you guys find?"

Blueberry spoke up for me, still rubbing my back. "The only thing we have is that Pickle's throat was stabbed, stitched back up, and the blood was most likely let into the water." Oj looked at his phone again, typing stuff in, and nodded.

"Ok. I know who did it."

"I do too," Blueberry sighed. "I just can't believe he would... y'know."

"I can't either, but- wait did y-"

"And I've decided our time is up!" Fan was back in the station with us, grinning from ear to ear. "I think you've found all you really need to discover who killed Pickle. I've gathered everyone else down to the trial room, since they didn't do anything to help. You guys care a lot more than they do- how fun!"

Blueberry helped me stand up, but I still felt awful. I don't know why now all of this was hitting me, but reality always seemed to hit like a truck. I could hardly stand even with Blueberry helping me. I glanced at Oj, whose face still hadn't changed the entire time.

"Fan. You are a sick, sick man. I don't know why you couldn't have just made us play a murder mystery game."

"You are!"

"A fake one, or at least one where we could be recovered."

"...but there's no fun in that. You guys are all terrible actors! I want real drama, real trauma, real DESPAIR!" Fan giggled, and opened the door for us all. "Now come on. I spared Bomb from death this time, so you'll be able to see him again. You still gotta do the trial though! So let's go!" Oj huffed, looked at us, and quickly left. Blueberry walked me out, and Fan led the three of us to the elevator. It was empty, and Fan shrugged. "Normally, everyone goes in the elevator at one time for suspense... but they all just went to the trial room without you because they noticed the funny button. Sorry!"

"Don't fucking talk," Oj spat. Fan rolled his eyes at Oj, and pressed a button with a cartoon bear head on it. Just like that, we began to descend to this trial room. I don't think any of us were really prepared, even with the horrifying reality of a dead body revealing itself the way it did.

I just hope my hunch is right.

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